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Guest N.AL.hunter

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I say just follow this simple rule i read on a post a long time ago

-like it leave it, love it keep it

and thats the words of wisdom for today


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:) I agree and was guilty on the part about people just starting our wonderful hobby.It didnt last all that long.Now I rarely pick up more than one common find,unless I am giving talks to local school children.When I do pick up a common fossil it is because of a pathology,unusual color,etc.

In areas where others hunt as well,I circle the object with a stick.In my special spots I rarely pick up common fossils.It has it's drawbacks though as they pile up if you dont do something,so I learned to put them in a pile so I dont continue to find them again on a new hunt. :D


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i just throw all the crummy stuff into the brush or water, whatever's closest, and leave behind the stuff i've brought from a different strata. then i giggle for weeks over people thinking they're in the eocene when they're in the pleistocene...

:lol: Thats funny but so wrong.But who am I to judge.I once placed a horse tooth with a gold cap into a rather irritating professors grid at Leisy Shell Pit.Put fresh mud on it and stuck it in the ground.It was good for a bunch of laughs,he got the message,and still get's razzed about it today. :D


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haha sundancer dont be trying to steal all my ideas. I pick up anything and everything I think I can use, might not have an idea at that moment Im blowing bubbles but something will come to mind later, I hope

These frist 2 are mastodon enamel and the last is from a turtle bone i found, it was bigger and when I cut it down to the size I wanted it had the peace sign in it, I made this for my daughter. Dude, Ill cab just about anything.I have made a few from dugong rib bones and some other non ID bones I have found








Edited by coral daddy

faith is a journey not a destination


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Why? How about because I can't help it! Lets all admit this is a bit of an addiction and we are all addicts. But even I am leaving more behind as I have more to carry. I always increase my selectivity as my daily catch grows. After I get them home, I often give them away to my kids friends since they never get the chance to go collect themselves. We even had a fossil birthday party once where the parents were asking if they could participate.

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I tend to get irritated when I see what I call "Harvestors", like the people who go to the Kid's pile at the Aurora Museum, spend all day and collect thousands of teeth so when the school children go there it is hard for them to find anything. I mean; come on people, how about less greed and more consideration?

Though I have hunted sharks Teeth extensively,in the last 40 years--in several localities, I doubt I have more than 300 (if that) in my entire collection, the rest left where they lay,or given to children or museums.

Here's (minus a meg or two) pretty much my entire shark tooth collection:

post-1313-073449500 1287084828_thumb.jpgpost-1313-052979700 1287084877_thumb.jpgpost-1313-080191400 1287084575_thumb.jpgpost-1313-021121700 1287084630_thumb.jpgpost-1313-027612900 1287084602_thumb.jpgpost-1313-066729600 1287084645_thumb.jpgpost-1313-007434500 1287084682_thumb.jpg

post-1313-061246800 1287084917_thumb.jpg

Be true to the reality you create.

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i just throw all the crummy stuff into the brush or water, whatever's closest, and leave behind the stuff i've brought from a different strata. then i giggle for weeks over people thinking they're in the eocene when they're in the pleistocene...

ello my educated friend so you think its clever to make some kid make a fool of himself and never collect again how old are you!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry must be the anglo saxon and north east american in me i personaly dont find you remotly funny.tara beck man. :angry:

beck man

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ello my educated friend so you think its clever to make some kid make a fool of himself and never collect again how old are you!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry must be the anglo saxon and north east american in me i personaly dont find you remotly funny.tara beck man. :angry:


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we have an old saying over here look after the penies and the pounds will look after themself. if u dont pick it all you will miss some inportant part of the full story. tara for now beck man. ;)ps at this very time i have a rolled up towell with the contents of three different core samples from the beck i am working on,and ime having to teach myself. never let anyone who prides thierself on how many long words they know and how well they can spell ever put you off. these two qualeties hinder rather than help exploring the past, an open mind is needed not a literal or mathmatical one !!! ;) tara for now beck man.

beck man

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we have an old saying over here look after the penies and the pounds will look after themself. if u dont pick it all you will miss some inportant part of the full story. tara for now beck man. ;)ps at this very time i have a rolled up towell with the contents of three different core samples from the beck i am working on,and ime having to teach myself. never let anyone who prides thierself on how many long words they know and how well they can spell ever put you off. these two qualeties hinder rather than help exploring the past, an open mind is needed not a literal or mathmatical one !!! ;) tara for now beck man.

To an extant I agree with you--if the fossil is rare or a new species, then by all means collect it. However, if the fossil is common and the site not scheduled for demolition, then taking a few and leaving the rest for others is just being a good neighbor.

As to the (reverse)gramarical snobery. Imagination is not limited to the non-intellectual. And ...frankly, an organised and educated mind is necessary for serious study and research. One must document and evaluate the fossils, strata etc... and that takes literal and mathmatical abilities. On this forum however, most people are just hobbiests like me. :D

Edited by Frank Menser

Be true to the reality you create.

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To an extant I agree with you--if the fossil is rare or a new species, then by all means collect it. However, if the fossil is common and the site not scheduled for demolition, then taking a few and leaving the rest for others is just being a good neighbor.

As to the (reverse)gramarical snobery. Imagination is not limited to the non-intellectual. And ...frankly, an organised and educated mind is necessary for serious study and research. One must document and evaluate the fossils, strata etc... and that takes literal and mathmatical abilities. On this forum however, most people are just hobbiests like me. :D

hello my friend ive started somthing here eh, in reply to yet more long words i add this the intellectual, the organised ,mathmatical,and educated have been on earth no time, but the uninteiiectual disorganised unmathmatical ilitarat gator or croc has ancestors that saw most of our fossils walk! so tell me what does the english language mean when it says educated?;) tara for now heath

beck man

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hello my friend ive started somthing here eh, in reply to yet more long words i add this the intellectual, the organised ,mathmatical,and educated have been on earth no time, but the uninteiiectual disorganised unmathmatical ilitarat gator or croc has ancestors that saw most of our fossils walk! so tell me what does the english language mean when it says educated?;) tara for now heath

Education is gain from many arenas and not all of them are in the class room. When a hobbiest searches various formations he/she are gaining an education on what those formations produce, how to access those formations and the depth of the formation. That is definitely an enjoyable yet effective way to get an education. Tracer would never salt an area with "alien" fossils but he has set tiger traps in his favorite areas before :P

If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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Education is gain from many arenas and not all of them are in the class room. When a hobbiest searches various formations he/she are gaining an education on what those formations produce, how to access those formations and the depth of the formation. That is definitely an enjoyable yet effective way to get an education. Tracer would never salt an area with "alien" fossils but he has set tiger traps in his favorite areas before :P

think ile back off now the mans got kids on board cant be all bad but just remember it doesnt take mutch to put ideas into idiots minds! tara for now heath. by the way does anybody over their no of a junior shool that may like to twin with my kids school along the lines of local archaology. my area has a rich variety including the cleveland ###### wich almost sits under the school. but sadly it is little known , i am trying to raise awerness and think a transatlantic swap shop may help. ps this is a northern working class erea we dont play polo! ;):):P

beck man

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98% of my collection would be considered junk to you guys who have been doing this for years but so what. I found it, I like it and when I don't like it anymore and get better stuff, I'll toss it out in the flower gardens out front or give it away to a newbie who thinks it's still cool stuff. I always wonder what the next owner of this house is going to think when they go digging around in there and find broken teeth and verts all over the place. :D

I'm the same way...I found it and that makes it special to me! With that said, I bag the broke teeth and give them to my mother because she's a school teacher and those kids love even the brokes!

Edited by fossiladdict

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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hey beck man... I may too intelligent, so I have to ask... is "tara" the way you folks say "later, dudes"? I've spent some time in your fair country and I ain't never heard that one.

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hey beck man... I may too intelligent, so I have to ask... is "tara" the way you folks say "later, dudes"? I've spent some time in your fair country and I ain't never heard that one.

good translation mate but ile gamble you never been to my fair county its cleveland in the industrial north east believe me mate people in the south dont no us and we are happy that there happy were they are! we still speak a norse celtic creole. by the way mullberry harbores the first passanger railway. friction match. big ben. captain cook. sydney harbour bridge. just a few born in teeside not bad when there was only a farm house by the river in early 18 hundreds it was called the steel rush. look up a century in stone.dvd it will tell you my history.tara for now dude.:):D:P

beck man

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good translation mate but ile gamble you never been to my fair county its cleveland in the industrial north east believe me mate people in the south dont no us and we are happy that there happy were they are! we still speak a norse celtic creole. by the way mullberry harbores the first passanger railway. friction match. big ben. captain cook. sydney harbour bridge. just a few born in teeside not bad when there was only a farm house by the river in early 18 hundreds it was called the steel rush. look up a century in stone.dvd it will tell you my history.tara for now dude.:):D:P

I watched some of the bits of the documentary on YouTube. Very cool. Tera for always since birth. :P

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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I watched some of the bits of the documentary on YouTube. Very cool. Tera for always since birth. :P

ive travelled a lot and met many people and i dont mean via the jet set. hitching walking and jumping trains and boats. so know ide enjoy a pint and talk with you and yours darl. ps doese bear foot girl relate to you being native if so you may be able to help me trace north eastern ancestorse ie new bedford and montreall if not nice name tara for now beck man:)

beck man

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ive travelled a lot and met many people and i dont mean via the jet set. hitching walking and jumping trains and boats. so know ide enjoy a pint and talk with you and yours darl. ps doese bear foot girl relate to you being native if so you may be able to help me trace north eastern ancestorse ie new bedford and montreall if not nice name tara for now beck man:)

Not my native name but a nickname I got by never being seen with shoes on. I grew up hearing there goes Tera barefooted as usual, someone go buy that girl a pair of shoes! :D

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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