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Info About Calvert Cliffs Trip - July 10-11,2008

NJ Mary Ann

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Calvert Cliffs Fossil Forum Trip

July 10-11

Itinerary to be posted as soon as it is available.

Contact: NJ Mary Ann

Trip Leaders: Obsessed1 and Bmorefossil

assisted by Michael

Links about the area:

Calvert Cliffs Collecting Sites

Article about CC fossils

Another Article about CC fossils

Some photos of the site

(if you follow the links at this site you can get tide charts, etc...all sorts of cool info)

Kid's page about the area

Calvert Cliffs Fossil Club page

Brownies Beach fossil page

Fossils of Maryland page

Fossil ID page

NYT article about the Cliffs

Fun video to get you in the mood to hunt shark fossils -


I've also attached some tide charts for the various sites that Obsessed1 was able to find, if you are coming, you should download them and keep them with you so you don't get caught by surprise...there is definitely a lot more collecting area exposed at low tide.

I'll keep adding info to this post as I find time...or, if you have great links or info to add, start a new post in this thread.

Hi, Here's a list of things that Obsessed1 and I suggest you bring for collecting at Calvert Cliffs:

• Bottled water

• Sunscreen

• More bottled water (you can't have too much of this)

• Backpack or fanny pack (for your water and to carry your fossils)

• Zip lock baggies and a small bottle with lid (for smaller teeth)

• Bubble wrap or roll of tissue (for wrapping fragile fossils)

• A hat to block the sun and reduce glare

• Wading shoes or other shoes you don't mind getting wet

• There may be Jellyfish (recommend long pants or boots if these bother you)

• Sifter screen if you have one - 1/4" works best (some will be available if needed)

• Small hand trowel/shovel to fill sifter or remove fossils from loose clay blocks

• Camera to take photos

• Bug spray

• Small first aid kit-just in case

• Magnifying glass (in case you don’t have kids with sharp eyes with you)

And sometimes a bucket can come in handy if you need a place to stash some things on the beach without danger of them getting lost in the sand or wet...I think also someone on this forum once suggested to me that those workshop "nail" aprons come in handy, with big pockets in front. You can put a find into the front pocket and keep looking without having to stop until you are ready to sort through your finds.

If we think of more to add, we’ll let you know. A rough itinerary will follow soon.




-Mary Ann


"There is nothing like geology; the pleasure of the first day's partridge shooting or first day's hunting cannot be compared to finding a fine group of fossil bones, which tell their story of former times with almost a living tongue." Charles Darwin, letter to his sister Catherine, 1834


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You're a real "git 'er done" gal! Thank you for all your effort; I am looking forward to meeting all of you.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Here is a link for Calvert Cliffs State Park


And Flag Ponds Nature Park which also permits collecting


Breezy Point Beach which also has camping sites available


Purse State Park, another location in the area where you can collect from an older strata


Mary Ann I think you covered pretty much everything useful out there on the web.

Nice work.

Carpe Diem, Carpe Somnium

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Obsessed1 sent me these links for directions to Matoaka (which is where we will meet) so have a look!

Here are two links to Matoaka one from Richmond Va. and the other from Frederick Md. I thought these should help anyone coming from the north or the south. They might have to be copy and pasted but should work.



-Mary Ann


"There is nothing like geology; the pleasure of the first day's partridge shooting or first day's hunting cannot be compared to finding a fine group of fossil bones, which tell their story of former times with almost a living tongue." Charles Darwin, letter to his sister Catherine, 1834


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Guest N.AL.hunter

My wife and I will be staying a little bit away at a Super 8 Motel in the Lexington Park/California area. Arriving late on 9th and leaving on the 12th. Looking forward to meeting you all and finding a 7 inch meg tooth and complete porpoise skull. That is what I was promised!!

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I feel obliged to tell everyone, AVOID CALVERT CLIFFS STATE PARK!!! Its a 2 mile walk to the beach and people haven't been finding much there lately. Oh, and stop by the Calvert Marine Museum in Solomons if you get the chance.

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  • 1 month later...

It's getting closer!!!! Obsessed1, maybe you want to go ahead and post the meeting time and place...

Anyone going on the trip should probably PM me and/or Obsessed1 with your cell phone number and let us know when you plan to arrive. Shortly before the trip, if you have told us you are coming, we will send you contact info for the trip leaders as well, so you can find us if you run into any problems getting there.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

-Mary Ann


"There is nothing like geology; the pleasure of the first day's partridge shooting or first day's hunting cannot be compared to finding a fine group of fossil bones, which tell their story of former times with almost a living tongue." Charles Darwin, letter to his sister Catherine, 1834


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We took the boat out today to check out some spots for this event. I'm posting just a few of the best here and will do a full trip report as soon as I get more photos.

post-281-1214097335_thumb.jpg My best Mako from the bay 2 13/16"

post-281-1214097345_thumb.jpg A sweet gunmetal black/blue Mako

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It's getting closer!!!! Obsessed1, maybe you want to go ahead and post the meeting time and place...

Anyone going on the trip should probably PM me and/or Obsessed1 with your cell phone number and let us know when you plan to arrive. Shortly before the trip, if you have told us you are coming, we will send you contact info for the trip leaders as well, so you can find us if you run into any problems getting there.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

The trip itinerary will be as follows:

Thursday July 10th

8:00AM - Meet at Matoaka Cabins - Either in the tenting area or at cabin #1 (will let you know of the exact location in the near future) We will have a short meet and greet along with passing on any last minute details.

10:00AM - Break up into two groups - one to go to Plum Point and the other to Brownies Beach. The groups will switch hunting areas on Friday.

?PM - Meet back at the cabins for dinner, sharing fossil finds and stories. (Time to be decided by the group.)

Friday July 11th

5:30AM - An early morning hunt for the early birds in the group. We will hunt the beach at the cabins and a couple of near by spots.

8:00AM - Meet at Matoaka for breakfast

9:00AM/9:30AM - Groups will be reversed and hunt Plum Point and Brownies Beach.

?PM - Meet back at the cabins for dinner, trading fossils and stories. (time to be decided by the group)

Of course this is all flexable to the needs and wishes of the group. Also may have to be changed due to local conditions.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!!

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Guest bmorefossil
We took the boat out today to check out some spots for this event. I'm posting just a few of the best here and will do a full trip report as soon as I get more photos.

post-281-1214097335_thumb.jpg My best Mako from the bay 2 13/16"

post-281-1214097345_thumb.jpg A sweet gunmetal black/blue Mako

looks like you found a little mako lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am really really sad, and really really sorry to say that I can't come next week to the Cliffs. I have had some family complications that mean I have to stay here ( boy it is tough acting like a grown-up sometimes :(

But my bad luck may be your gain...I have paid for half of Matoaka cabin 1 for the whole week...if someone wants to pay the other half, they will have a cabin that sleeps six for half the usual price. PM me to let me know if you are interested.

Again I am totally sorry about this folks...I hate to bug out on such short notice, so please forgive...my husband has several out of town interviews so that means I have to stay here and keep the farm animals happy.

So sad!

-Mary Ann


"There is nothing like geology; the pleasure of the first day's partridge shooting or first day's hunting cannot be compared to finding a fine group of fossil bones, which tell their story of former times with almost a living tongue." Charles Darwin, letter to his sister Catherine, 1834


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Guest N.AL.hunter

Just to bring this up in the list again. My wife and I will be leaving tonight at 10pm central. Will be in California, MD sometime afternoon of Wed 9th. I'll be at work tonight until 10pm and will be on chat. Hope all goes well with this trip and that all make it there safely. See ya soon!!

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Guest bmorefossil
Just to bring this up in the list again. My wife and I will be leaving tonight at 10pm central. Will be in California, MD sometime afternoon of Wed 9th. I'll be at work tonight until 10pm and will be on chat. Hope all goes well with this trip and that all make it there safely. See ya soon!!

wow thats great, i know obsessed1(kevin) will be down there on wed. maybe you guys could meet up or something. Ill see you in chat tonight

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