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Charcoal Lense


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I found a couple of charcoal lenses in glacial till and was wandering could there be any bones in them. If so how do I preserve them.

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wow, had bones been invented that far back? seems like plants were all high-fivin' each other and claiming world dominance back then, and dissin' the marine inverts. i think there were a handful of tetrapods and reptiles fightin' over who could have the weirdest scientific name, but other than that...

if you find bones in there, if i were you i'd pm auspex aNd tell him they're prolly bird bones and he'll prolly preserve them for you or sompin.

wait, is this charcoal from like a fire or coal from like lebenty hundred million years before tracer?

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Maybe a Pleistocene spruce forest bulldozed by the galcier?

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