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Fossil Feces How Can I Tell?


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ok ive seen pictures of coprolites i believe that is how it spelled and i am curious as to how to tell if it is or not because the pictures that i have seen look like rocks.

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um, do you realize that tossing out a straight line like that to a jokester like me could require me to be hospitalized or sompin?

but anyway, go to google images and type in coprolite and look at a couple of hundred till you figure you got the concept. but there's great variety in them. each type of critter seemed to have their own style of um, p00ping. you can type in coprolite in the search engine on this site too and find some. i found a great one once and put it on the carpet at home and my wife quietly picked it up with a paper towel and was going to throw it away so i wouldn't get mad at the cat, till i yelled at her "where you going with my rock?!"

um, it was hilarious at the time. guess you had to be there...

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It will look like mmmmmm poop. So if you spot one and you think its what you think it is just kick it first just to be sure its not from the local dog ;)


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:) If it looks like it,smells like it and taste like it is it just not fossilized yet. :rofl: Sorry ,tracer could hold out for that but I couldn't resist. :meg dance: That ones for you tracer. :fistbump:


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lol yes i knew what i was walking into on that one and thanks for the tips. ill take another gander at the pics on the net and ill check on here as well

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Poooo!!!! of a large kind.--Tom

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Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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At the Isle of Wight I came within inches of picking up an actual turd at Yarmouth thinking it was a coprolite. . .

Luckily I noticed just in time that it was an actual plop and not a fossilised one :)

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you could always use the old tried, and true method of tapping it on your tooth. if it sounds like stone, you've got a fossil. if not, after you get done throwing up, go brush your teeth! :P

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Put it in a paper bag with a pack of firecrackers, set it on the mean neighbor lady's doorstep, set it on fire, ring the doorbell and RUN! The response will tell the rest.....


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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The subtopic of this post is that not everything is what it seems to be!

This is a pseudo-coprolite from Salmon Creek, Washington--one of four or five places in the world where they are found (Russia, North Dakota, Saskatchewan, Canada, and New South Wales, Australia). There is an interesting article in the Geological Society of America Bulletin, June 2001, by George E. Mustoe. "Enigmatic origin of ferruginous "coprolites": Evidence from the Miocene Wilkes Formation, southwestern Washington, about them. I don't happen to have an electronic copy, only a poor microfilm xerox.

Basically, they can't figure out how they are made.

post-1410-033673100 1288846587_thumb.jpg

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