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Dromaeosaur-Teeth, Or?


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I recently purchased three Dromaeosaurteeth from ebay, but im unsure if it could be from another species. Here are some photos:


I have not received the teeth yet so I can not tell myself, just curious.


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He was not identifying them specifically when he said Dromaeosaur, he meant Dromaeosauridae (teeth belonging to an indet. small theropod of this family), not Dromaeosaurus which is a genus.

They certainly are small theropod teeth, not sure if anyone can help further.



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Here is an article on Dromaeosaurus from North America, although I am not sure if this will help. Either way it is a fun article.



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He was not identifying them specifically when he said Dromaeosaur, he meant Dromaeosauridae (teeth belonging to an indet. small theropod of this family), not Dromaeosaurus which is a genus.

They certainly are small theropod teeth, not sure if anyone can help further.



Yes, sorry, I was not making myself clear with my first post. My first thoughts when I saw those teeth that it was a fair chance it could be from a different species.

Will post better pictures when these babies arrive.


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I think the all may be from the actual genus, Dromaeosaurus. At least, the top one looks really similar too and is around the same size as a Dromaeosaurus tooth I bought a few weeks ago. The other smaller two look of a similar appearence and size to other Dromaeosaurus teeth I've seen for sale elsewhere.

Course, take what I say with a pinch of salt since I'm not an expert, just a normal collector :)

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"Course, take what I say with a pinch of salt since I'm not an expert, just a normal collector"

That's funny. Hope you didn't offend any experts. :)

Edited by flyguy784
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"Course, take what I say with a pinch of salt since I'm not an expert, just a normal collector"

That's funny. Hope you didn't offend any experts. :)


If my comment came out the wrong way I apologise! Didn't mean to offend anyone :(

What I meant was, I just buy fossils & collect, I don't really know much about identifying fossils and stuff so maybe you should wait for someone who knows more than me before taking what I say as the old gospel truth.

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I agreed with the above poster, not much of an identifier myself, if that is even a word. Still waiting for the fossils to arrive, will toss some photos up then.

Tho as I said im not much of an identifier, but this made me giggle: http://cgi.ebay.com/Rare-Dinosaur-Fossil-/280589747350?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item415473c496

Abit offtopic, but anyways.


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