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Trilobites - Fake Or The Real Deal?


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I'm new to fossils, and I've read that most of the Trilobites from Morocco are fake. However, this one looks authentic to me, mostly because of the eye lenses:


What are your opinion?

I also considering to bid on these two guys:



What do you think? Does they seem to be OK? I know this is hard to tell just from photos, but hopefully some of you can give me some advices.

- Bernt -

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I know exactly what you mean. At my work we have a fakey from Morocco. What they did was they made a "mold" of the original fossil and filled it in with a stoney material they can put on a rock. Then they paint the trilobite and carve the designs Moroccan fossils are known for onto the rock. Some are fake and some are real. Real Moroccan trilobites are very beautiful though! I really feel yours are real.

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They all look genuine to me; I would ask as to the extent of the repairs on the Moroccan Phacops, though.

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I agree with fossisle and Auspex on these.

Although they aren't the best specimens you might be able to get them for fairly reasonable prices.

Good Luck!!!


Edited by palaeopix
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I'm glad that you question generalizations like "most of the trilobites from Morocco are fake" and are considering a purchase. It is true that there are partial to near-complete specimens restored to appear complete and outright artworks made from molds but a collector can miss out on some great fossils by following some blanket statement like that. Restored trilobites do not come only from Morocco.

I'm new to fossils, and I've read that most of the Trilobites from Morocco are fake.

- Bernt -

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Thanks for your opinions, it is really helpful for a newbe like me. And, Fossil guy – thanks for a good link. I think I have to let my "lab assistant" (my dog) check the authensity of the trilobites I'm going to buy :P

I think I'm going to bid on the two trilobites from US. The one from Morocco is repaired, and my first thaught was that no one sells a repaired fake trilobites, the fakes seems to be almost too perfect. But I think I'll just wait a while, a better specimen will probably be offered for sale later. The two from US seems to be (at least for me) in pretty good condition. But are they very small specimens for thiese species?

- Bernt -

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I'd have to say, there can be a lot of fake trilos from Morocco. But trilobite guy's tips are really good!

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