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Ft. Payne Formation / Sumner Texas ?


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These crinoid stems came with a tag that said "Ft. Payne Formation, Sumner Texas". However I have searched all over the net and can find nothing that ties that formation to that place. The info may be wrong. Can anyone sort this out for me? Are these likely from the Ft Payne Fm or from Sumner? and can anyone correct the incorrect part for me (and perhaps fill in any additional data like age, etc)? Thanks in advance.

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Sumner, Texas is in Lamar County, Texas, and that area is Upper Cretaceous. It is unlikely that the fossil came from that area. Also, There is no Upper Cretaceous formation in Texas called the Ft. Payne Formation.

There is a Sumner County, Tennessee (North of Nashville, TN) which may have the Ft. Payne formation present. Also, the Ft. Payne Formation is a Mississippian formation and that would be consistant with the crinoid stem pictured. More checking needs to be done to verify that the Ft. Payne Formation is in Sumner County, TN.

Hope this helps some.


The Eocene is my favorite

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