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Air Abrading Equipment Cost

Scott S.

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Hello everyone,

I found out that I have some extra funds at my disposal and I am hoping to get a decent air abrading system for our geosciences department. I have had a lot of difficulty getting a rough estimate for prices. I know there are quite a few types out there from foot pumped varieties to large scale industrial types. I am looking for something rather basic that is worth the money. I have an air compressor and could build a small work booth (desk top type with holes for arms to be inserted) and could get some sort of vacuum system from a carpentry supplier. I know there are various suppliers that have the entire package that includes the grit/air mixing unit as well as the hose assembly and a bulit in work booth but what would that cost?

Basic parameters:

Will be used mostly for small to mid-sized invertebrate specimens of various matricies. Needs to be rather versitile to cover numerous levels of use on different types of fossils. Want it to be a reliable brand (don't want to have to worry about hose or nozzels wearing out)

Price limit is roughly $3000

If anyone could recommend certain set ups they're using and some prices that would be awesome.

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Hello everyone,

I found out that I have some extra funds at my disposal and I am hoping to get a decent air abrading system for our geosciences department. I have had a lot of difficulty getting a rough estimate for prices. I know there are quite a few types out there from foot pumped varieties to large scale industrial types. I am looking for something rather basic that is worth the money. I have an air compressor and could build a small work booth (desk top type with holes for arms to be inserted) and could get some sort of vacuum system from a carpentry supplier. I know there are various suppliers that have the entire package that includes the grit/air mixing unit as well as the hose assembly and a bulit in work booth but what would that cost?

Basic parameters:

Will be used mostly for small to mid-sized invertebrate specimens of various matricies. Needs to be rather versitile to cover numerous levels of use on different types of fossils. Want it to be a reliable brand (don't want to have to worry about hose or nozzels wearing out)

Price limit is roughly $3000

If anyone could recommend certain set ups they're using and some prices that would be awesome.

With this price limit it shouldn't be a problem. In the beginning I used a Renfert Basic sandblaster and was quite satisfied (but than switched to my own design because I needed a much larger cabinet). Used sandblasters can be found at ebay; at least in Germany they sell for 200 to 400 Euros (250 to 550 US$). For example this Renfert Basic: http://cgi.ebay.com/Dental-Lab-Fine-Sandblaster-Renfert-Basic-Professional-/350421657521?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5196c227b1


Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes (Confucius, 551 BC - 479 BC).

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Hello everyone,

I found out that I have some extra funds at my disposal and I am hoping to get a decent air abrading system for our geosciences department. I have had a lot of difficulty getting a rough estimate for prices. I know there are quite a few types out there from foot pumped varieties to large scale industrial types. I am looking for something rather basic that is worth the money. I have an air compressor and could build a small work booth (desk top type with holes for arms to be inserted) and could get some sort of vacuum system from a carpentry supplier. I know there are various suppliers that have the entire package that includes the grit/air mixing unit as well as the hose assembly and a bulit in work booth but what would that cost?

Basic parameters:

Will be used mostly for small to mid-sized invertebrate specimens of various matricies. Needs to be rather versitile to cover numerous levels of use on different types of fossils. Want it to be a reliable brand (don't want to have to worry about hose or nozzels wearing out)

Price limit is roughly $3000

If anyone could recommend certain set ups they're using and some prices that would be awesome.

You have plenty of money. Go to paleotools.com. Look at the Swanblaster. Most fossil prep people have this machine. You can also look at an SS White machine but it costs a bit more and service sucks. Finally there is the Comco machine. Nice machine but pricey. I have the Swanblaster and very satisfied. It is about $2500 for the unit. Comes with everything you need except the work box and vacuum You will have to build your own box and buy vacuum system. You have the compressor.


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with 3k to play with you can easily get yourself a comco or a swamblaster. Google them both. I use a woodshop dustcollector eqiped with a set of 5 micron bags for the dust collector. Works almost as well as the big machine they want to sell you. And is a lot cheaper. You may have to shop around to see which ones have a 5 mnicron bag as an option.

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A comco unit is the only way to go. Used comco blasters, dust collectors and work stations can be found on ebay in the $3000 range. Make sure you check Comco's website and get an up-to-date model. Also a guarantee of good working condition. Comco customer service is very helpful even when you buy a used unit. Remember also that you will have to invest in a good air drying system which will run another $300-1000, plus an adequate compressor. Good blasting systems are pricey, but the aggravation of a cheap unit is not worth the difference.

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