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Visit The Solnhofen Museum


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What's that big slab with all the squiggly lines?

For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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Wow Impressive fossils.

Well, the majority of these fossils are probably from one of the most famous Lagerstätte fossil deposits in the world. Other Lagerstätten include Mazon Creek, the Burgess Shale, the Green River formation, the Nebraska ashfall beds, and La Brea.



---Wie Wasser schleift den Stein, wir steigen und fallen---

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That Solnhofen lithographic limestone does make for some IMPRESSIVE fossils. I was especially gratified to see that you included a couple of pictures of Archaeopteryx. Magnificent displays one and all.


Illigitimati non carborundum

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You can also add to this list the fossils of Messel ( Germany), without forgetting the famous fossils fishes of Monte Bolca ( Italy) among which here are some photos made by me and by a friend during the show of Munich 2008.

Quarry and Museum of Bolca

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Munich Show 2008

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Night of Times - http://www.nuitdestemps.com

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don't forget holzmaden, i was just speaking with a friend who collects tons of this stuff. what an amazing variety of fossils in one place. ichtyosaurs, dinosaur material(only one tibia), crinoids, pleisiosaurs, plants, fish, crabs, crocs, flying reptiles, starfish, squids, ammonites, clams.... i wish i could go dig there


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