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Different Flexicalymene Eyes


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I've been looking at moroccan and US calymenes.Are the eyes less prominent in the moroccans?, it seems they are.I'm trying to find a better representation of a moroccans' cephalon...Thanks, Carmine.:)

Edited by xonenine

"Your serpent of Egypt is bred now of your mud by the operation of your sun; so is your crocodile." Lepidus

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Hi Carmine, the eyes of the Moroccan calymenids are actually more prominent just by virtue of the larger size in comparison to most other species worldwide. The material is so beat up and weathered that the delicate eye features (palpebral lobes) generally don't survive. The better preserved specimens from North America will preserve these small eye lobes although because of fragility they're usually missing. I've attached a photo of a Flexicalymene (2"+) that has the features preserved perfectly. It was collected in 1989 on a cold winter day in Indiana. As far as eye lenses, I can't ever recall seeing those preserved in the more common types. Does anyone know of calymenid eye facets or have a photo?

Now that would be cool to see! B)


Edited by piranha


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Thanks, Piranha, this is exactly what I need to finish carving the ceph.!!! I ordered Dr. Sam Gons web-book too, 'spect that will have alot of pictures of trilos...Carmine.:)

Edit:for such a readily available trilobite, they would be easy to overlook, but they are quite beautiful.

Edited by xonenine

"Your serpent of Egypt is bred now of your mud by the operation of your sun; so is your crocodile." Lepidus

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Have to admit tho, the structure(s) lying on the librigena threw me for a loop.It is so detailed compared to my worn one.I think I've left enough "meat" to add them in at the end though...:)

course it is already galling me that the species has twice as many segments, the next carving material will be alot harder to support that kind of detail. I know, some jade, a trilobite deserves that, hehe, should show detail.


Edited by xonenine

"Your serpent of Egypt is bred now of your mud by the operation of your sun; so is your crocodile." Lepidus

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Thanks, Piranha, this is exactly what I need to finish carving the ceph.!!! I ordered Dr. Sam Gons web-book too, 'spect that will have alot of pictures of trilos...Carmine.:)

Edit:for such a readily available trilobite, they would be easy to overlook, but they are quite beautiful.

The Sam Gon book I have has no pix... only line drawings, but it is great. If you know of a Sam Gon book with pix, let us know. The guy has done his homework. And no, I don't think he has a PhD. A self-educated trilo-expert

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Dr. Sam Gon does indeed have a PhD (in Biology), and he is senior conservation biologist with the Hawaii Nature Conservancy. He is self-educated regarding all things trilobite. A real "Renaissance Man".


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Have to admit tho, the structure(s) lying on the librigena threw me for a loop.It is so detailed compared to my worn one.I think I've left enough "meat" to add them in at the end though...:)

course it is already galling me that the species has twice as many segments, the next carving material will be alot harder to support that kind of detail. I know, some jade, a trilobite deserves that, hehe, should show detail.

Super cool sculpture Carmine! B)

Since you're inclined toward the artistic side of trilobite interpretation here's a great link of trilobite art and sculpture.

The steel sculptures by Jud Turner are exceptional. They look pricey, I would be afraid to 'inquire' on those prices! :o

Check this awesome website of paleo themed 'Lost Wax' bronze sculpture by William Monteleone.

Here are a few pieces I've purchased that will also give you some ideas.

The Acadoparadoxides(14") and Trimerus(6") are lost wax castings and the small Isotelus was a keychain novelty item.

Looks like you have a deft touch Carmine, perhaps we'll see your works of art commercially available one day soon? ;)



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The sculptures are viable.I generally carve all winter, (between FF and some graphics stuff), and I have all this amazing carving stock to play with jade, opal, agates, jasper, soapstones. I was going to use Dr Gons line drawing for carving and my Lightwave 3d modeling.

I noticed that not every website said Dr, but I'd never cast asparagus.I also asked him for permission to base some Windows Music Players on his designs.

But I'm gearing up to make my own line drawings, it's just less complicated in the long run.:)

Obsessive as I can be, look forward to many carvings to come...:)

Edit: I have alabaster meteorite stands, meteorites.mineral stands, and bunches of fossils all ready to sell.See what a bottleneck that camera has created?Hehehe :D

Edited by xonenine

"Your serpent of Egypt is bred now of your mud by the operation of your sun; so is your crocodile." Lepidus

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