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Tx Camel Material?

Uncle Siphuncle

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The femur is pretty big at 22 inches. It looked a bit gracile for bison and too small for horse so in cavalier fashion I began calling it camel, possibly Hemiauchenia. I found it in the same bank where I later got my mammoth tusk.

The jaw is sort of interesting in that the mandible looks extremely old due yet the tooth looks recent if you found the tooth isolated. No idea whether its from a deer or antelope of some sort.

The big vert came from another river 100 miles away. Since it is sort of long and slender I called it a Hemiauchenia megacephalus cervical vert.

Any and all opinions are welcome and you won't hurt my feelings if you disagree with me as I'm here to learn. See what you started Harry!!!









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Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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I love a mystery!  The femur should be easy enough to identify if you have access to a comparative collection.  Twenty-two inches long is very long for the camels I am familiar with, Paleolama and Hemiauchenia.

The jaw appears to be camelid (I agree with Anson).  It appears that you have 2/3 of a tooth, yes?  I don't know what genus it might be.

You asked about vertebrae, and I cannot tell you much.  I have a few in my collection that I'm confident I know the species and many that I don't know.  A comparison collection (and a large one) is required for many of these bones.  There is considerable variation even within a single spine.

So, no hurt feelings, but not much help either.  Sorry.

------Harry Pristis

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In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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