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Memorial Day Point-a Dam

Guest N.AL.hunter

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Guest N.AL.hunter

Here are some of the fossils we found at the Point-A dam site this weekend. My wife and I met up with Shuko (Forum member) and her friend J. in Andalusia, Alabama for two days of collecting at two sites. The first picture is of the foursome, with me being the good looking guy with the Forum T-shirt on, and my lovely wife next to me with her Forum T-Shirt on. The next couple of pictures shows us going down to the site with our gear and the dam itself. We got very lucky as the water was not too high and they never released any while we were there all day. My haul for the day was around 170 shark teeth plus 30 or so other teeth including barracuda, ray, and sawfish rostrum teeth. Also one small croc tooth. The other two towel pictures show the finds of our new-to-collecting guests, Shuko and J. We did not find any Rics this trip or any of the cat shark (?) teeth the site has.

The next day we went 3.5 hours away to a cretaceous site I know of in western Alabama. The pics show us in the creek looking at the gravel bars for teeth. Also shown is one of the 10 or so ptychodus teeth we found. One slithery friend was in the creek to meet us and one tame butterfly too. This site was a disappointment as it did not produce anywhere near the quantity or quality it has in the past.

Overall it was a good trip. Now on to Calvert Cliffs in July.

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Cool! see you did some advertising :P

Take note of that last pic. That's how N.AL.Hunter spent most of his time on Saturday. xD

We had a blastoid. :) It was the best fossiling trip I've ever been on, and I doubt I could top it without help from fossil experts like Del and his wife. My friend and I are still gloating about our fossil shark teeth to all our friends, and a couple of my close relatives are begging me for some of my broken teeth so that they can make jewelry with them. I'm not sure yet if I'll agree, lol. But I probably will.

Right now I'm working on taking photos and creating the beta for my fossil gallery site. When I have everything ready, I'll make a new topic for it in the member collections forum, and post a link in this thread. :)

Thanks again for showing me and my friend a lovely time, Del! Next time I'll try not to succumb to the Alabama heat and eat lunch with you two! (I'm a real wimp. Both me and my buddy were so hot and tired after that first day, we collapsed in our air conditioned hotel room for the next hour and a half, lol)

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