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Texas Collecting This Past Weekend

Uncle Siphuncle

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I got out of the house a little bit this weekend and spent most of my time in Cretaceous marine exposures.

Sat - Site 1 - Georgetown fm solo, 3 Holaster simplex echinoids, 1 huge but ugly Macraster sp. echinoid, 2 Mortoniceras sp. echinoids

Sat - Sites 2 and 3 - Ozan fm with Forum member John Jackson, combined total 1 old bottle, 2 flint blades, one mammoth proximal femur or humerus (ball), 1 Menabites ammonite, 2 Scaphites ammonites in the same hunk of matrix, many large Lopha oysters

Sat - Site 4 - Walnut fm solo, 30 nice Heteraster echinoids, some dusted with pyrite, 5 Phymosoma texanum echinoids, one large Tetragramma texanum echinoid

Mon - Site 1 - Pecan Gap fm solo, 1 Echinocorys texanus echinoid, 1 nautiloid, 1 Proraster echinoid, 5 Pachydiscus travisi ammonites

Most of this stuff won't achieve full glory until prepped.













Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Hey Dan. You certianly find quite the array of diffeerent fossils, and you dont seem to travel far? I would absolutly love to hang around you for a couple of days and do some fossil hunting!!! Just wish I had more money to spend. Very nice fossil hunting trip Dan. Im sure im not the only envious person here.


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Real nice fossils. Looks like Texas is the place to live if you are a fossil collector.

Do you find much in the quarry? Looks like a great place to collect.

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How fun! You seem to know these sites well; were there any surprises among the finds?

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Actually the sites were spread out over a 200 mile stretch from my house, but with my little car I only blew $50 in gas this weekend. I generally have to log some miles to find myself awash in quality fossils. One creek was a buddy's honey hole, one creek was my honey hole, and the other 2 sites were active construction sites I hit after hours. The Tetragramma echinoid was a bit of a surprise and was found in fading light after a long day of site hopping. Also a surprise was a slightly damaged but huge Holaster echinoid. You can't really tell from the in situ image shown, but the Echinocorys echinoid with the apical system poking out of the chalk is about the size of an orange. It has its share of damage but is still a cool and rare find. It wasn't a surprise though as I had found them at that site before. The big surprise was that when I was breaking the block apart to get the echinoid, 2 perfect Pachydiscus ammonites split out of the same block. I'll have more images in my May report.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Those fossils are awesome. You never cease to amaze me, Dan. Did i ever tell you you I consider you like a fossil collecting god? I think i myself am being very active with my collecting but I don't think I can ever surpass you or even come close!


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Compliments appreciated, but try to convince my wife of the same!


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Hey !

Very nice ammos !

May we have the photos of your Scaphites and Menuites ? pleeeeeeeeease :D

See you !


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Here are images of the prepped Echinocorys texanus echinoid and the 2 Pachydiscus travisi ammonites that fell out of same block when I split it to get the echinoid. I love this formation but at times it can be stingy with its fossils. I was hoping to get at least 1 more of these Echinocorys before the site is gone. Now I got my wish!





Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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awesome stuff Dan! again, love the in situ shots! :D!

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

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