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Micro Jack 3 Problems

Jason P.

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So for me today was Christmas, my Micro Jack 3 finally showed up on my doorstep. I charged my air compressor, plugged in the scribe to nothing, nada, zilcho. It does pass air but with no perceivable visual or audible motion of the stylus. Crushed I thought maybe some oil would smooth things out, nope. I went over to my neighbors to try his compressor and again, air but no vibration at the tip... To be completely honest this is my first scribe so any suggestions would probably be helpful.



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Hey Jason,

That's a bummer for sure. I just visited the website and their gear looks very impressive. Everything is guaranteed so you have no worries if it's actually defective. Hopefully it's something simple you can remedy with a phone call tomorrow? Anyway, we'll all be looking forward to seeing some great fossils after you get operational. Since you're in Washington I'm wondering what you've got lined up?

Crabs sound good .... B)


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Thanks, I'm sure they will take care of me it's just disapointing. No crabs yet, I'm thinking I will head out as soon as we get some decent weather this spring. I've got a site pretty close to where I live but haven't visited yet as I just recently tracked it down. I do have a bunch of fish from WY that I am anxious to get to...

Thanks again,


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Hi Jason-

Oiling it is a good thing to do to a stubborn air scribe. Sorry that didn't help. How many psi is your air compressor up to? The MicroJacks need to be at last 110 psi. Below that they may or may not start vibrating. One trick with these things... all of the air scribes, is to tap the tool on the corner of your desk... basically jolt it to life. Do NOT tap the tip, = the stylus. That thing is delicate in a perpendicular direction. It is tough going in the direction of its shaft, but hitting it sideways will break it, and its to expensive to break too often. So tap the body of the tool to jolt it to life....maybe even tap it harder.

If this fails, give them a call. They are pretty good at solving problems.

As long as we are talking about oiling, if you do get it to start working, the first thing you should do is run it into a paper towel. It'll want to shoot out oil for a few minutes and you'd rather have that stuff in the paper towel than on your prize fossil. I generally only oil them once they start acting up for this very reason. I know others who oil them every day.

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Thanks, at this point I'll have to wait until tomorrow. About 15 minutes into trying to get it to work a gauge on my compressor failed. Perfect end to a perfect evening. :)


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Thanks, at this point I'll have to wait until tomorrow. About 15 minutes into trying to get it to work a gauge on my compressor failed. Perfect end to a perfect evening. :)


They are very helpful at troubleshooting their products, but call soon as he goes early to Tucson.

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The problem may be the obvious.... lack of familiarity with the new equipment... case in point... I had a similar problem in the past with my new air scribe ... hook up air compressor and nothing.... turns out there is an off on valve switch that one need to rotate much like a valve to let the air into the air scribe... so maybe there is a valve or switch on your particular model that needs to be adjusted that lets the air into the scribe... the seller should be able to assist you on this... good luck.


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Hey Jason. I wish you the best of luck on getting that thing working. By any chance were you in Billings Montana last October? I met a Jason there who was from Washington.


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Thank you everyone for your input. I picked up a new regulator for my nearly new compressor and everything is working great. I will say that I tried three compressors before one worked and then according to the regulator gauge it required all of 120 psi to get it running. I've got it set to 125 psi and am very happywith the performance. I've only got about 15 minutes on the Micro Jack and I'm thinking I will at some point pick up a used ARO for the heavy lifting.


That was a different Jason, I pass through billings once or twice a year but haven't really done any socializing. Though he does sound like a very likable fellow. :)


"The problem may be the obvious.... lack of familiarity with the new equipment...", ya think? :)

Thanks again all and I as soon as I have anything worth posting you will be the first to see,


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must be exciting, what are you going to work on?:)

Edited by xonenine

"Your serpent of Egypt is bred now of your mud by the operation of your sun; so is your crocodile." Lepidus

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I have an 11" Mioplosus Labracoides on a large plate from Kemmerer that I've cleaned with an engaver that needs fine detail wrk done. After that I have a bunch of smaller peices the need working.



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i already wish I had one, can't wait to see it finished.

Edited by xonenine

"Your serpent of Egypt is bred now of your mud by the operation of your sun; so is your crocodile." Lepidus

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I have an 11" Mioplosus Labracoides on a large plate from Kemmerer that I've cleaned with an engaver that needs fine detail wrk done. After that I have a bunch of smaller peices the need working.


A very nice Myo there Jason. I love the circular coloring around the fish.

Ive got another jason from washington who is going to fly out to my place last of May, then we are goig to hit the fish quarrys, insect/plant site, trilo sites in Utah, fish quarry in Nevada, crabbing in oregon and then up to washington to drop him off and see my dad. Any chance you want to hook up once I get there? Just how many Jasons are there in washington?


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I started today planning a trip out to Kemmerer for the Memorial Day weekend and I was contemplating booking down to Utah to look for Trilobites. I would love to hook up with you guys.


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I started today planning a trip out to Kemmerer for the Memorial Day weekend and I was contemplating booking down to Utah to look for Trilobites. I would love to hook up with you guys.


Glad you got it working... if you guys pass through Casper, you must stop in. Its not quite on the way, but we could go ammoniting or something. RB, I think you'd like these big ammos.

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