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Aurora Fossil Festival 2008


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We arrived a few days early for the festival and were able hit a couple spots before the activities started. The day of the festival started out rainy but that didn't seem to slow down the folks digging in the Pungo material piled in front of the museum! But by noon the sun was shining and the crowds rolled in. Everyone seemed to be having a great time and most were exhausted by 3:00 when the fossil auction started. This is a great place to get those hard to find fossils that have been eluding you and a great cause as well! The next day we were lucky enough to participate in the hunt that PCS provides for some of the people who work at the festival. Many thanks to PCS and all those people who work so hard to make this a possibility. The highlights of the week were a couple of firsts for us. We found (I guess I should say she found) our first Auriculatus. While I found our first section of Dugong rib, a White tip reef shark tooth and a Bottlenose dolphin tooth. I also found a Nice 2 3/4" Meg and a couple of whale teeth.


Some teeth from a local quarry


I love those colors


Dugong rib section


Some nice Croc teeth


Nice White Tip Reef Shark tooth from one of the plies of Pungo


Aurora Fossil Museum


Entrance to the display areas


The Jaw room..filled with dentitions of many kinds of sharks


There were also fun activities for the kids


The fossil auction..good place to spend all your extra cash!!

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Some more photos...


The nicer teeth from the mine


Assorted other fossils


My Meg of the trip


Meg ground shot


A Pungo Mako


Bottlenose dolphin tooth


Large chunk of coral


A nice Pectin


Whale teeth

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Wow, great photos, as well as some great additions to your collection! Thanks for sharing...

-Mary Ann


"There is nothing like geology; the pleasure of the first day's partridge shooting or first day's hunting cannot be compared to finding a fine group of fossil bones, which tell their story of former times with almost a living tongue." Charles Darwin, letter to his sister Catherine, 1834


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Looks like it was a great trip. Thanks for the pictures.

Carpe Diem, Carpe Somnium

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Can anyone answer what makes those teeth a blue color?


Generally, minerals in the soil. As to the chemical composition of that particular suite of minerals, I have no clue.

(If you want to grind up a few teeth and subject them to gas-spectrometer analysis, it could probably be determined). Anecdotally, a lot of old marine clays run rather blue themselves.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Man I have got to get there some day. Nice pictures and some really nice finds also . B)B)B):D

It's my bone!!!

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Nice teeth...say haven't I seen those teeth somewhere?? Kevin thanks for putting me on to this site pretty cool!!


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