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How Do You Tell If Something Is A Tooth?


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I was fossil hunting and found a rock that looks a bit like a tooth. How do I tell?

Edited by cryway903
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:) It usually has enamel on it.If in doubt post a picture on here,some-one is always willing to help. :D


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Guest N.AL.hunter

"If" that is a tooth, it is only a fragment and I am afraid the pic is a little bit blurry. To me, it does not appear to be a tooth.

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At first look, it doesn't appear to be a tooth. However, sharper pics could make a difference; size and where found information is helpful too.

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This "tooth" belongs to my daughter. She found it in some creek gravel my sister brought her. I have no idea what creek it was only that its in northern grayson county Texas. After comparing it to some fossilized sharks teeth I bought on eBay I dont think it is a tooth. It has the same shape but is much thicker then the sharks teeth. It is dark brown and about a half an inch long. I'm taking pictures with my cell phone and so far this is the best we've gotten.

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Unless it is really worn, it should have a shiny glossy enamel coating. There is not much else in nature like tooth material. It could be a fish or reptile tooth if too thick to be a shark tooth.

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