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The Hardest Part Is Getting There Part 2


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Thanks again for all the congrats! I am still prepping out a few more pieces and will post them as soon as I am finished.

Amazing finds, cool Meg! Did you get a chance to show it to any museum volunteers?

I found the Meg late on Friday and kept quiet so I wouldn't find myself in a crowd on Saturday morning(which for those of you who know me, realize how hard it is for me to do when I have found something nice). I did let some people from the museum know of my find Saturday afternoon and took it to the museum Sunday morning so that they were able to take a few photos of it.

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Anyone who can make one of these trips should give it a try. I highly recomend it!

Where can I find info on signing up for and working one of these trips? Totally jealous!!


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I finished working on a few more of the matrix pieces including the one containing the Meg. Here are some photos......

The first set is a block of matrix with a seal tooth that all sits on an epiphyseal plate.



The next is the block containing the Meg. Also in this block is a large section of Whale atlas, a smaller vertebra (probably cetacean but not 100% sure, 2 Squalus occidentalis (Dogfish), a Physogaleus contortus, a small scute of some type as well as many other pieces of bone.




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You must be in 7th Heaven; really nice fossils! :wub:

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Those came out great Kevin. That meg looks like it lightened-up quite a lot from when you first dug it out. That's an awesome combination in that one piece.

Just a few hours ago I noticed a small cow shark tooth in one of my matrix pieces.

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You must be in 7th Heaven; really nice fossils! :wub:

Thanks! STH Megs are so rare and to find one that is so complete makes my year and it's only February. :D

Those came out great Kevin. That meg looks like it lightened-up quite a lot from when you first dug it out. That's an awesome combination in that one piece.

Just a few hours ago I noticed a small cow shark tooth in one of my matrix pieces.

Thanks Mike! Yes it did lighten up as the matrix dried out, much the same as most of the teeth from out there. Congrats on the cow shark tooth!

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  • 1 month later...

Those of you who read my last post from a STH trip remember I had trouble getting there thanks to the airlines with some delayed flights and a missed connection. Well it was time to go a again and this time it was the snow that worried me. The day before I was to leave we recieved 12" of snow. Now this isn't much of an inconvienience to most people but I live 1/2 mile up the side of the mountain on a gravel driveway. I was trapped until the guy with the big loader came to dig me out! Finally with onlt a few hours to spare I could hear the rumble of the big machine clearing the drive. I went out to thank him and he said that I should be able to get out tomorow. It was too slippery..even his big machine with chains had slipped into the ditch three times on the way up the hill. As he left I made a final check of my equipment and decided to give it a try. I just had to catch that flight!!


After a few second ride down the mountain with most of it being in a four wheel slide I was at the bottom. The worst was behind me now. The rest of the trip was a breeze and I was never so glad to see green grass as I was when I arrived at the motel later that night.


After a mostly sleepless night everyone met at the Museum to go over the rules and start the trip. I met a few other members there who had been at the October dig. It was good to see Nettuno and Megalodon1 again. It was a foggy morning but the cool air made for nice digging.


I went to a spot I had thought about digging ever since the last trip. After removing the overburden the finds started comming right away. And for two days they just kept on comming.


Anyone who can make one of these trips should give it a try. I highly recomend it!

I remember you, and your flight story lol, I didnt make it to the last digs. Looks like you did good!

Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable is my mentor.

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I want to go there sooooooooo bad~!!!! I just love that Mako tooth on top 2nd from the left. I like all of them but that one would look good as a necklace

What all does it take to make a trip to STH? Other then getting there of course, :P

" This comment brought to you by the semi-famous AeroMike"

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Awesome find! to find a tooth in matrix with bones as well is awesome!! I would like to make that trip someday...........You definately are obsessed braving all you did to get there!


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I want to go there sooooooooo bad~!!!! I just love that Mako tooth on top 2nd from the left. I like all of them but that one would look good as a necklace

What all does it take to make a trip to STH? Other then getting there of course, :P

I packed all my digging tools into my checked bag. Even with all the hammers and chisels it was 10 lbs. under the max weight. I found it much cheaper to fly into Los Angeles and rent a vehicle and make the one hour forty five minute drive to Bakersfield than to fly directly into Bakersfield. On your way into Bakersfield stop at Wal-Mart and buy your shovel for $4.95. When I was finished I left mine at the museum for someone to use on a future dig. Rooms are reasonable depending on where you stay. I reserved mine online for less than $35 a day. Take lots of bubble wrap for the matrix pieces and a backpack to put them in as carry-on. This will get the attention at the security checkpoint so allow a little extra time. It really isn’t that bad once you get there..lol!

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:wub: Congrats on all of your awesome finds.One small question though,do you remove the fossils from the matrix?I love seeing them in the matrix with some of the matrix acting like a pedistal,it's fossils and art all in one. :D


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:wub: Congrats on all of your awesome finds.One small question though,do you remove the fossils from the matrix?I love seeing them in the matrix with some of the matrix acting like a pedistal,it's fossils and art all in one. :D

Anything I posted as a matrix piece is remaining that way. I love matrix pieces. :wub:

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:wub: Congrats on all of your awesome finds.One small question though,do you remove the fossils from the matrix?I love seeing them in the matrix with some of the matrix acting like a pedistal,it's fossils and art all in one. :D

you might be wondering if most of the teeth are in matrix and then removed from it. A lot of the teeth are just kind of in the thick of it all, kind of just pop out of no place. Sometimes you get lucky and they will be held together well in matrix like that.

Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable is my mentor.

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I'm missed this thread last month (didn't get online much while I was in Tucson). You found a nice load of stuff. You must have been digging pretty hard. How long did you dig each day?

Congratulations on the bird bone and megalodon...rare STH treasure.

Edited by siteseer
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I've always been told specimens like that were pieces of fish skull. Maybe someone else here has seen them elsewhere?

Those are fish jaws.

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I've always been told specimens like that were pieces of fish skull. Maybe someone else here has seen them elsewhere?

After some research I found that the bones in question are the part of the skull where the upper teeth would have been. The source I found is contained here My link. It lists the bone as “dentary”. Thanks for bringing the proper name issue to my attention.

As for actual digging time…. I spent every available minute with my hands in the dirt. It is too far to travel to not take full advantage of the time available to me. I did take a few minutes to drink some water and walk around to stretch my back but even then my eyes were on the ground looking. It proved fruitful as I found a section of fish crusher plate.

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