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I was wondering how to pronounce




I was looking at a page called 15 Unusual Prehistoric Creatures. Most of the names have pretty obvious pronunciations ... I think.

Believe it or not I might use one in a song <_<

Thanks in advance if you can help.




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dear ma'am -

HAI!! um, i doan think you pronouns those names. yer spozed to bellow them frozeciously. if peeple doan run out of teh room then yer doing it rong.

by teh way, therizinosaurus is the critter. therizinosauridae is teh fambley. teh "s" was prolly sombody tryin to make an already latin plural american plural by addin it.

dey named dat first dinosaur becuz when he was little he was just called "saurus" but he was always disappearin' on his mom so when she tole his brother to go in his room and get him the brother would always come back and say "there isn't no saurus", and the name stuck.

i'm guessin that deinocheirus had german parents and "ei" is just ponounced long "i" sound so it would be DI-noh-KI-rus but i could possibly be not one hundred percent accurate cuz i'm just making all this up but i'm using logic to do it so i'm prolly rite.

nice meeting you and happy singing if you end up doing that



forum fool

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Because of your question, I stumbled across a wonderful site that even has an audio pronunciation of these and many other dinosaur names!


"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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A good and well educated friend once told me no one really knows how to pronounce Latin names since all the Latins are long since dead. And eventually you will meet at least two "Experts or Academics" who will pronounce the same name differently. So forget about the experts being any real help...

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A good and well educated friend once told me no one really knows how to pronounce Latin names since all the Latins are long since dead. And eventually you will meet at least two "Experts or Academics" who will pronounce the same name differently. So forget about the experts being any real help...

i took quite a bit of latin and used to write papers in latin. this was still in the holocene when i did this, but the teacher who inflicted the 87 different conjugations of verbs and the 1.43 million declensions of nouns on me was at most a generation or two younger than julius himself, and she could jabber jabber that stuff like nobody's business. plus the latins didn't all die off at once cuz Chicxulub wasn't a latin meteor right(?) and people still speak that stuff some places. the real proplem is that the experts are always mispronouncin' stuff cuz they're too busy trying to make up a species for it.

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A good and well educated friend once told me no one really knows how to pronounce Latin names since all the Latins are long since dead. And eventually you will meet at least two "Experts or Academics" who will pronounce the same name differently. So forget about the experts being any real help...

The Italian priests and Italians latin professors know very very well how to pronunce latin words and also they can "sing " with latin metric. Believe me, it is a long long oral tradition, most of them speak Latin as they speak Italian

Erosion... will be my epitaph!




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The Italian priests and Italians latin professors know very very well how to pronunce latin words and also they can "sing " with latin metric. Believe me, it is a long long oral tradition, most of them speak Latin as they speak Italian

Not to mention that the two Linnean names mentioned are GREEK, not Latin, in construction.

Ignorance is not something to be emulated.



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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castigat ridendo mores

Google Translate just crashed :P

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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And was it Dan Quayle or actually George W that will tell you that all of Latin America speaks Latin?

That is one of my favorite quotes!

"I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have is that I didn't study my Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people."

--Dan Quayle


"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." --Dan Quayle


"It is wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago..." --Dan Quayle



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Veering a bit off-topic, aren't we?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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