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Germany Locations?


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Hi all, I am currently seeking locations to take my 12 and 13 year old nephews to hunt for fossils in Germany.

Mainly I am seeking the typical pay to enter for the day sites.

I have so far found such sites in Titting, Schumhaupten, Eichstatt, Muhlheim, and Solnhofen in the Bavaria region and 2 sites in Holzmaden in the Baden Wurttenberg region. But I would like to find more such locations all over Germany.

The basic plan is now that the boys are old enough that their mother allows them to weekend trip with me, I would like to take them to a location, visit a Paleo Museum on a Saturday, then hit the pay to enter fossil pit, that evening and work it til Sunday noon or so, then back home, whie camping somewhere near the location at the time.

Any or all info, Nearest town to location, GPS infor at site, addresses, owner name and phone numbers / emails, and such. Any and all info would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by Galwin
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Hello Galwin and welcome to the Forum.

You've already named the main such sites in the south of Germany. You just need to go to their websites for further information. I don't know of any others here and I'm afraid I don't know the north well enough, but I would imagine that you've found more than enough for a 2 day trip. I'd suggest checking out "Europe" under "Locations" here if you haven't already done that. You'll find further information there which may be of help to you.

Otherwise I can recommend 2 German fossil Websites which offer a wealth of information as well as excursions to sites where collectors are normally not allowed.



Good hunting!



Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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