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A Cretan Fossils Collection


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Here are two alike carbonized seeds (or fruits) and a seed pod on the therd pic.

Pics 2 and 3 are showing both sides of the same slab.




Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Last for now is a small but nice fossil.


Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Hi Astrinos, Congrats on the pufferfish ID! And I like the results now that you are breaking open the concretions! Many of them just look like bits of wood to me but you also get unusual/odd things, for example the one on the left in pic1 of post #627, it looks so strange, it's got to be something interesting but I have no idea what. Keep up the good work!

Also the mineral specimen you posted is very nice.. I wonder if the whitish blade-like crystals are barite? They look similar to ones I have.

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Hi Astrinos, Congrats on the pufferfish ID! And I like the results now that you are breaking open the concretions! Many of them just look like bits of wood to me but you also get unusual/odd things, for example the one on the left in pic1 of post #627, it looks so strange, it's got to be something interesting but I have no idea what. Keep up the good work!

Also the mineral specimen you posted is very nice.. I wonder if the whitish blade-like crystals are barite? They look similar to ones I have.

Hello Eric! Thank you so much for the encouraging comments ;)

Supposingly you are talking about the post 637 (instead of 627). Actually strange. It was necessary me to increase the light on it (as it happens with the similar item on the second pic of the same post) in order the deeply black carbonization to be better visible.

About the whitish blade like crystals of the mineral specimen presented on post 616, I think it's about sulphur. This mineral is quite common in this area in several shapes. It smells characteristically and I have burned some alike ''blades'' of a disarticulated item. If not badly smells, it would be a good alternative into this terrible economical crisis :)

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Astrinos P. Damianakis

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No I meant post 627, but I mis-spoke and should have said: the concretion on the left in the pic on the Right. Sort of a 3D blob-like thing...

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No I meant post 627, but I mis-spoke and should have said: the concretion on the left in the pic on the Right. Sort of a 3D blob-like thing...

Hello Eric and all.

Ok Eric. You are right with this oddity ;):)

I'll present today some single seeds or fruits or seed pods.

Here are the first four. Dubious with the second one.





Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Three samaras (elm ulmus sp.seeds).




Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Last for now a possible fruit I like.


Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Hello all.

Today's seeds are combined with other plant material.

Here are the first 3 plates.




Astrinos P. Damianakis

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The next set of three plates.




Astrinos P. Damianakis

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The last for now is a plate in 3 pics.




Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Hello all.

Cupressaceae material is of my favorite finds. I am presenting in today's unit the recently found specimens of this kind and I believe that these are from the best sofar.

At first 2 cupressaceae foliages.

1. Cupressus sp. and

2. Tetraclinis sp.



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Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Here are 3 cupressaceae cones, the first one in two pics. This is the first time I find some tiny seeds inside them. Hopfully, they are better visible in the close up on the second pic.





Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Just one item here.

It's a branch with two cupressaceae cones attached on it. One mature and one juvenile.


Astrinos P. Damianakis

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One 3D cupressus sp. cone in 3 pics.




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Astrinos P. Damianakis

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The day closes a pic I like.

I was impressed finding these two cupressus sp. items in the shadow of a recent cupressus sp. tree.


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Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Congrats on your MOTM award, it's been a while I haven't visited FF...

The recent/fossil cupressus picture is very nice, what a great fossil, excellent detail on the branch, too.

Keep it up!

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Congrats on your MOTM award, it's been a while I haven't visited FF...

The recent/fossil cupressus picture is very nice, what a great fossil, excellent detail on the branch, too.

Keep it up!

Thank you very much, my friend, and welcome back ;):)

Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Hello all.

I'll present today and the days after the leaves I have found recently.

At first 3 acer sp. leaves.




Astrinos P. Damianakis

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Four willow salix sp. leaves.

The first bears an insect gal and the third is nailed by a pinus sp. leaf (needle).





Astrinos P. Damianakis

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This is the first today's set of three laurus sp. leaves.




Astrinos P. Damianakis

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The day's last is the second set of three laurus sp. leaves.

The first one is accompanied by an interesting little fossil (upwards) better shown in the close up on the pic 2.

I agree with Paco's aspect it's pobably about an insect larva and not a seed.(thanks my friend).





Edited by astron

Astrinos P. Damianakis

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