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Need Help Identifying This


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I found this washed up in a pile of rock. I'm in Southwestern Wisconsin. Does anybody know what it might be?


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Guest solius symbiosus

It looks like an 'orthocerid" cephalopod. Can you take some more photos? Too, the name of a nearby city would be helpful.

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...and a big 'un, too.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Thanks for the response. Based on the information you provided and a little more digging, it looks like it is an Endoceras Cephalopod. Here's another shot.


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Guest solius symbiosus

While endocerids did grow to enormous lengths, their primary defining characteristic is a large siphuncle. Generally, it is difficult to assign the Orthocerida to a family without some defining features present.

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It looks like an 'orthocerid" cephalopod. Can you take some more photos? Too, the name of a nearby city would be helpful.

what is 'orthocerid" cephalopod??

is that some kind of animal? :)

btw anyone please tell me what fossil is this? thnx

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Guest solius symbiosus
what is 'orthocerid" cephalopod??

is that some kind of animal? :)

"Orthoceras" is a generic term to describe straight shelled cephalopods. It is probably archaic these days with most prefering orthoconic, but old habits die hard. ;)

THIS is a link to a Wiki page that describes cephalopods.

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