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Ear Bone From My Partial Skull

Guest bmorefossil

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Guest bmorefossil

here is a part of an earbone from my partial skull of a dolphin/ small whale, i like to call it the alien because of its shape. Im just getting back to putting it together and now that school is out i will finally be able to. I hope someone can i.d. it for me i have never been able to. Its 18-15 million years old and from the calvert formation here in maryland




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Guest bmorefossil
Great looking ear, do you have pictures of the rest of the partial skull?

im gonna take pictures once i get it all together, but i do have some pictures somewhere ill look for them

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The tympanic bulla appears to be very similar to that of Parietobalaena palmeri, which is the most common baleen whale in the Calvert Formation. That is an exceptionally small tympanic, and it appears that you have a juvenile.


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Guest bmorefossil
The tympanic bulla appears to be very similar to that of Parietobalaena palmeri, which is the most common baleen whale in the Calvert Formation. That is an exceptionally small tympanic, and it appears that you have a juvenile.


now i found a picture online that looks just like mine and is labeled Eubalaena sp.? do the ear bones from this whale look the same?

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Eubalaena doesn't really look anything like that; I suspect the photo is either mislabeled, or is extremely small. Eubalaena's tympanic is about 5-6 times the size of your tympanic, and perhaps even bigger than that. Additionally, the involucrum (the big bulbous part) is flattened or pinched in Balaenids.


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Guest bmorefossil
Eubalaena doesn't really look anything like that; I suspect the photo is either mislabeled, or is extremely small. Eubalaena's tympanic is about 5-6 times the size of your tympanic, and perhaps even bigger than that. Additionally, the involucrum (the big bulbous part) is flattened or pinched in Balaenids.


ok thanks

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