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Las Vegas


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im going to las vegas for vacation. im gonna hike red rock canyon. r there fossils like ammonites, icthyosaurs, and earlty dinosaurs?

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i did a couple of quick searches online and did not find any encouraging information regarding fossil hunting in the area mentioned.

there are however, spectacular things to see, as far as geology is concerned. some places are very worth going to just for the experience and the photos you bring home.

as far as your question about the age of the rocks - link

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In the west in particular, be real sure whose land you are on and whether collecting anything is permitted. Federal, state, local, Indian lands, private property...lots of ways to get into trouble if you don't do your homework!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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There are actually quite a few trilobites north of Vegas---My link

I don't think the slot machines will accept trilobites though.

What a wonderful menagerie! Who would believe that such as register lay buried in the strata? To open the leaves, to unroll the papyrus, has been an intensely interesting though difficult work, having all the excitement and marvelous development of a romance. And yet the volume is only partly read. Many a new page I fancy will yet be opened. -- Edward Hitchcock, 1858

Formerly known on the forum as Crimsonraptor

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