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Calvert Cliffs State Park Or Brownies Beach


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I was wondering, when it comes to size and quality which is better for fossil hunting, Calvert Cliffs State Park or Brownies Beach (also known as Randle Cliffs and Bayfront Park?) :D

Edited by dalmanites14
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I spent 6 hours at brownies on Sat morning and only found about 20 tiny teeth, all under 1/2". There were tons of folks there and the general consensus was that only little teeth were being found. I found most of mine by sifting with a 1/4" box screen.

If you're traveling down from NY, I would recommend first trying Flag Ponds state park. Fewer folks go there because the walk to the beach is a little further and you have to pay a few bucks to enter the park. If you go there, go to the left (north) and walk as far as you can...the further you go the more you find and the bigger the teeth are.

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