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Short Trip

Guest solius symbiosus

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Guest solius symbiosus

I stopped by a small outcrop yesterday on my way to the site that has been producing the crinoids.

All are from the Millersburg mb of the Lexington Lm. Ordovician

I found mainly the usual stuff, but some of the brachiopods, and bryzoa were heavily encrusted with the worm tube Cornulites. Height of pic about 15cm


I also found a decent cephalon from a Gravicalymene sp.


I then drove on down the road to the crinoid garden and found another calyx. It is weathered, but most of it is there. Though, it will take some work to free the arms. Length of calyx about 2.5cm


I'm going to try a different outcrop this morning; same formation, and maybe stop by an outcrop of the 'Claysferry Lm that is on the map.

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Guest solius symbiosus

I stopped by the two outcrops this morning. They had pretty much the same stuff as the other sites of the Millersburg that I hunt, except that this outcrop has considerably more of the ambonychiid and modiomorphid bivalves.

I only brought home two pieces of coral; a couple of large heads of Favostella and Tetradium.



I took a short drive to an outcrop I had hunted years ago, but there was no where close to park, so I just took some pics of the structure, and the ferry at the end of the road.

The ferry. The pillars are from a 19th century RR bridge.


Faulting in the Lexington Lm





The road cuts through 10 faults in about one mile.

I had to stop in the middle of the road to get the pics. So I was trying to hurry before a car came around the bend. That is why the quality isn't so great.

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we should start calling you "crinoid man"! its amazing how many of them your finding! good stuff

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Guest solius symbiosus

Hey kauffy, it is pure luck that I happened to stumble upon a "garden". Usually, I might find one every year or two.

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Guest solius symbiosus

I had a couple of hours to kill this evening, so I went to an outcrop that is close by the house. I saw a bunch of the same stuff, so I thought that I would investigate an outcrop of a member that rarely produces anything other than junk.

I checked out a small ledge, and this "frond" of bryozoa was sitting right on the bedding plane. Usually, I don't pick up bryozoa since it is so common and hard to ID, but this was a large one. So, I brought it home.

I have all the pieces soaking in water and bleach, and I will put them back together in a day or two.


The layer of bryozoa at the top of the hammer handle is where it is from.


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