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Guest bmorefossil

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Guest bmorefossil

well i get a call from my cousin he says he wants to fossil, i say sure its always nice to have someone to fossil with. So we get up normal time and get to the boat ramp and everything is normal but as we start to pull out of the marina the motor comes to a stop. It wouldnt come back on....so we sit there out in the water for about 15 min., and my father says he is going to give it one last try. So I begin to pray to the fossil gods and sure enough it works!!!! I dont know how but it did!!!! We get to the beach and i show my cousin what to do and what to look for ( a little prep for the forum fossil trip coming up) and about 20 feet from the boat i find a 2" meg covered up with a little in about a foot of water. I thought to myself man that made my day and everything else will be gravy ( i think thats right lol :P ) A few feet from the meg i find the biggest of the day nothing to be happy about but its a tooth. My cousin is doing pretty good for his first trip pulling out 2 shark verts within a few feet of each other. It gets pretty slow, just finding the normal tiger sharks and hemi teeth and a cow shark mixed in there somewhere. Soon i see a familiar face, the guy from my last trip who always talks about how it was back in the old days where they would sell 6" megs for $25!!!! We begin looking and he shows me this odd shaped bone, and he asks me you know what this is right? I say no, he tells me its a pipe that the indians would use to smoke. I got to hold it and then he takes it away :( i wanted an indian artifact so bad!!!!! A little ways down the beach i see something else odd so i pick it up, it was a nice sturgeon scute!!! and it had great texture, must of just fallen out of the cliffs. We went home soon after 1 becuase it was getting slow and 2 we thought the storms were coming ( they didnt get to us untill 10pm) but i was happy anyway






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Nice trip! You guys have a serious amout of Hemi's there. Here in Sarasota its one of the more rare finds, for me anyways.I dont see any Bull shark type teeth(Carcharhinus) though, do you finds those?


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I looked at the Pic again and see a few Carcharhinus in the bottom row I think. Is that a normal ratio for that area? I would say they make up 75% of the teeth I find locally.


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the guy from my last trip who always talks about how it was back in the old days where they would sell 6" megs for $25!!!!

I wouldn't mind having a time machine and buying a few of them, lol :P

Very nice stuff!

Tha tighin fodham, fodham, fodham!

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nice stuff! thanks for sharing

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Guest bmorefossil
I looked at the Pic again and see a few Carcharhinus in the bottom row I think. Is that a normal ratio for that area? I would say they make up 75% of the teeth I find locally.


yea i got about 20 or so, i just had no one to put them lol

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Watch out for BS artists at Calvert. I have run into more than a few.... Theres the type who always ask what you found, but then they always say "Oh I didn't find anything" or the ones who want to know exactly where you found each of your finds or the ones who found such and such great thing but its too deep in their pocket to take out and show you etc etc. Anyone else know what I'm talking about? It just seems like there are more of these types collecting Calvert Cliffs than anywhere else.

---Wie Wasser schleift den Stein, wir steigen und fallen---

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...Theres the type who always ask what you found, but then they always say...

"Man, you should have been here yesterday!"

I know the type, and they're not restricted to fossil hunting.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

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Guest bmorefossil
Watch out for BS artists at Calvert. I have run into more than a few.... Theres the type who always ask what you found, but then they always say "Oh I didn't find anything" or the ones who want to know exactly where you found each of your finds or the ones who found such and such great thing but its too deep in their pocket to take out and show you etc etc. Anyone else know what I'm talking about? It just seems like there are more of these types collecting Calvert Cliffs than anywhere else.

do i ever!!!!! there was this one lady who would be there every weekend i would go except she would get there a few min. after me, when i would ask her what she found the answer was always nothing or something i cant say on the forum. I would always get a nice single finger goodbye. She finally stoped coming untill a few weeks ago where she told one of my friends (something else i cant say on the forum) but we found some nice stuff in front of her and instead of being rude said goodbye have a nice day, we knew she hated it!!! lol for the guys that say they found stuff and dont show up i met one of them a month ago, he said his buddy found a 2.5inch mako and said it was this big and made the shape of a tooth 5" big lol he also said he found a 2inch meg but again didnt show me, he said it was nice meeting you and walked off. He told us he came in a boat as well and when we were heading back we never saw ny boat. but this guy is different, he is in his 60's and has showed me some of his finds from scuba diving just that morning. he had some nice stuff!!!!

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Guest bmorefossil
If that's a day's catch, nice going!!!!

Yea only 4 hours, but nothing as nice as you find !!!

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"Man, you should have been here yesterday!"

I know the type, and they're not restricted to fossil hunting.

And I thought this only applied to fisherman!! :D

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Guest bmorefossil
And I thought this only applied to fisherman!! :D

Well I have to del with both in the marina I have the

fisherman who think I'm

misusing my boat and talk only about yesterdays

amazing catch

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