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Stumbled On A Nice Find


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I had to pull over today to get some gas and something to eat. So I had to check out the drainage ditch behind the walmart there. It looked like Britton shale so I figured I may come across some mother of pearl ammonites. No such luck, BUT Im on my way out looking at the layer just above the britton ( I think its lower Kamp Ranch, Im sure someone from DFW can correct me) anyway, I look down into the weeds and out pops the image of a huge Ptychodus tooth. I couldnt believe it. I knew that layer wasnt known for teeth, so I was just passing it over. the pic is how I found it. It measures .75 in front to back, and im guessing almost an inch wide. This is my biggest Ptychodus to date. :D:D:D:D It has some great color too.



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Great find indeed, Jax!


"And the men who hold high places, Must be the ones to start

To mould a new reality, Closer to the Heart"

(Rush, "Closer to the Heart" from the album "A Farewell to Kings")

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I had to pull over today to get some gas and something to eat. So I had to check out the drainage ditch behind the walmart there. It looked like Britton shale so I figured I may come across some mother of pearl ammonites. No such luck, BUT Im on my way out looking at the layer just above the britton ( I think its lower Kamp Ranch, Im sure someone from DFW can correct me) anyway, I look down into the weeds and out pops the image of a huge Ptychodus tooth. I couldnt believe it. I knew that layer wasnt known for teeth, so I was just passing it over. the pic is how I found it. It measures .75 in front to back, and im guessing almost an inch wide. This is my biggest Ptychodus to date. :D:D:D:D It has some great color too.


Now that's what you call the combination of good (Ptychodus find) and evil (price of gas)!

Very nice find :D:D

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Great find! I think that maybe a Ptychodus marginalis, looks like mine I also found in the Kamp Ranch layers.

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The Kamp Ranch is supposedly a thin hard limestone deposited during a hurricane event. In the Trinity River it is marked by a layer of small Prionocyclus ammonite molds - did you see this overlying layer? Was the productive layer stratigraphically thin (maybe a foot or two)? If you can find a good exposure where you are free to expend a little effort, I'd suggest taking a 20 LB sledge and pry bar to dig out 300 LB slabs then smash/split them to get the teeth. You'll sacrifice a few Squalis but man the Ptychodus hold up well, and you could luck into some big Cretoxys, Plesiosaur teeth, shark verts, or something all my friends have but I don't, pearls. Target the oyster hash and let us know what you find.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Sweet! I doubt I'll find anything like that around my local Walmart.

Carpe Diem, Carpe Somnium

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wow great story and a nice find!

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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The Kamp Ranch is supposedly a thin hard limestone deposited during a hurricane event. In the Trinity River it is marked by a layer of small Prionocyclus ammonite molds - did you see this overlying layer? Was the productive layer stratigraphically thin (maybe a foot or two)? If you can find a good exposure where you are free to expend a little effort, I'd suggest taking a 20 LB sledge and pry bar to dig out 300 LB slabs then smash/split them to get the teeth. You'll sacrifice a few Squalis but man the Ptychodus hold up well, and you could luck into some big Cretoxys, Plesiosaur teeth, shark verts, or something all my friends have but I don't, pearls. Target the oyster hash and let us know what you find.

I have found layers of Kamp Ranch like what your talking about. None at this location sadly. This was just a thin broken layer spread all over the place. You also mentioned the Pearls. I have been luck enough to find 4 in my day. The largest being 13mm. I will have to get some pics up of those on here.

I just realized that picture I took above is pretty bright. I took it outside and I guess the sun flushed it out. I;ll have to take another tomorrow

Thanks for all the coments. I am going to prep some of the matrix away from the tooth. Stay tuned...


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I could be mistaken but if you aren't in the Kamp Ranch you may be in a lithologically similar zone in the Arcadia Park fm.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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That kind of thing just makes your day doesn't it ... very nice!

Makes my week!!

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I could be mistaken but if you aren't in the Kamp Ranch you may be in a lithologically similar zone in the Arcadia Park fm.

I dont know my formations all that well, but this layer was sitting right on top of the Britton Shale formation. Also on that note, I actually found a weird stone. It was really thin, probably 1/8th inch thick. It has a small shell fossil in it, and when I was messing with it I broke the edge off and it is metal. Silver metalic stone. pretty weird there was more pieces of it there. I think it was coming out of the Britton.

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I picked at it a little bit last night. Im going to have to have to use my air scribe to get more off.

I also took a better pic before I started working on it.



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