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My finds from 3 trips to Green Mill Run


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Here's two arrowheads, some bigger teeth, strange stone with perfect hole through it, shells with perfect holes in them and some bone. The larger black stone looks like it has carvings on te side but I am not positive. And notice the imprint of something in one of the bones at the bottom right. What is that?


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Here are some of the bigger teeth I've found. Wish they all were whole. Great whites, gigantic makos and a meg on the top left that would have been about 4 to 5 inches whole. Also, the orange tubular things on the left are belemites.


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Great finds... I love the arrowheads... Nice Great White teeth, too... Native American's would sometimes take the larger sharks teeth and grind the base away... and then haft it on an arrow... Don't know if you have any of those, but maybe... that one looks a bit like one.. I know a guy here that's found large halves of megalodon teeth, split down the middle.. They had notches in the sides where they were hafted onto a handle and turned into a knife.. Might wanna get that rock with the hole checked out by someone with a bit more experience... It could be an artifact.. I can't tell from the photos... Very nice teeth, though..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Here are some of the bigger teeth I've found. Wish they all were whole. Great whites, gigantic makos and a meg on the top left that would have been about 4 to 5 inches whole. Also, the orange tubular things on the left are belemites.

The bivalves above looks like borehole from other gastropoda.

Very nice teeths.

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Here's two arrowheads, some bigger teeth, strange stone with perfect hole through it, shells with perfect holes in them and some bone. The larger black stone looks like it has carvings on te side but I am not positive. And notice the imprint of something in one of the bones at the bottom right. What is that?

That's not bone, that's NA pottery. Not an uncommon find in the GMR. Usually they are just plain colored but sometimes they can be quite attractively marked.

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Great finds. I've spent many years hunting fossils in the GMR but over the last 2-3 years I don't find as much due to over hunting but it looks like you did very well. Also, due to all the rain I bet the creek is pretty flooded right now but when the water level drops it should be awesome hunting. Good luck. And yes i have also found several Indian artifacts.

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Here are some NA arifacts. All the pottery pieces here came from the GMR.


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