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My First Fossil Trip ..


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Hello everybody :)

This afternoon, beeing back from Barcelona, I took the little bitc h of my neighbor to walk for a short time, and we were walking on a shark teeth site. My knee is almost perfect, but not works still completely. thus I'm training the doggie to find shark teeth.

But I must say tha t her dont are very interested on this... :blink:


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Hello everybody :)

This afternoon, beeing back from Barcelona, I took the little bitc h of my neighbor to walk for a short time, and we were walking on a shark teeth site. My knee is almost perfect, but not works still completely. thus I'm training the doggie to find shark teeth.

But I must say tha t her dont are very interested on this... :blink:

Perseverance, Perseverance, Perseverance - soon you will have that dog finding every shark tooth on the beach :P:P

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Hi Alex!!

As far as you or your dog are able to drive a car you will have plenty of fossils in only one and a half week when you will be visiting Millou!!! Unfortunately i will be not able to take part in that wonderful fair because of job affair and nobody from here to share the trip. I wish you all the best there!!!!

PS: In one month i will be nevertheless enjoying the czech countryside with a czech friend!! Trilobites are waiting for me before the NATO build up the antimissile radar jejejeej!!!!!!!

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You could develope a new breed: the Tooth Hound! That would be a sight...

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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:D Your dog doesn't look too interested to me in fossils. May take

a bit of time.. Maybe put a treat on top of a fossil and she will have that


Glad to hear you are back up, and ready to hunt again.

Welcome to the forum!

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Guest bmorefossil
You could develope a new breed: the Tooth Hound! That would be a sight...

well i swear i saw some before, when i use to hunt a place called the willows there would be these 3 little dogs that would follow me when i hunted sometimes i would find teeth and bone in their footprints lol, it was good times

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Maybe put a treat on top of a fossil and she will have that


Careful you don't train the dog to eat fossils; that would unnecessarily complicate their preparation.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Hey MB. Im glad to hear that you are up and around again. But being injured, you sure did have lots of time to prep. maybe you should teach the dog to prep? Ha!! How good are you at prepping very small crabs? Like paleopinxxa crabs? Ive got a couple of nice ones, but Im not sure if I can prep them? Sooooo damed small!!! Also, on a really good note, you now have two packages on their way to you. Its going to be like christmas real soon fella.


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Guest bmorefossil
Careful you don't train the dog to eat fossils; that would unnecessarily complicate their preparation.

i can just see in now you take your dog to get an x-ray and all the doctor will see is a 2" meg in the dogs stomach lol

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Hey people, nice to heard your support, thankyou, but seems that she is more interested in her beauty than in my fossil teeth :(

I'll comment you if she are improving in her training :blush:

Two boxes, RB? definitively I must to get in touch with my italian 10 leggers connection... ;)

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Hi Alex!!

As far as you or your dog are able to drive a car you will have plenty of fossils in only one and a half week when you will be visiting Millou!!! Unfortunately i will be not able to take part in that wonderful fair because of job affair and nobody from here to share the trip. I wish you all the best there!!!!

PS: In one month i will be nevertheless enjoying the czech countryside with a czech friend!! Trilobites are waiting for me before the NATO build up the antimissile radar jejejeej!!!!!!!

I'll go there with a friend from Murcia... perhaps if you contact him... :)

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Speaking of animals and hunting.... my cat has one interest

in this area, eating holes in maps. She likes geo maps but her

favorite is road maps. The taste must be better. She ate so many holes

in my Texas map, I had to throw it away some time ago, and buy a new

one. I think she eats the parts where there are no fossils, trying to save me

time and effort! :P

I suppose it is possible to train dogs to hunt fossils. They are bright. Pigs

are trained to hunt truffles.....

MB, you must have been stir crazy not being able to get outside all that time!

Welcome to the forum!

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Guest bmorefossil
I suppose it is possible to train dogs to hunt fossils. They are bright. Pigs

are trained to hunt truffles.....

it would be really easy if fossils gave off a smell, then you could tune the dog to finding the smell and you would find a bunch of stuff!!! I guess if your searching for mammoths in permafrost it would work, they smell really bad :P

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Speaking of animals and hunting.... my cat has one interest

in this area, eating holes in maps. She likes geo maps but her

favorite is road maps. The taste must be better. She ate so many holes

in my Texas map, I had to throw it away some time ago, and buy a new

one. I think she eats the parts where there are no fossils, trying to save me

time and effort! :P

I suppose it is possible to train dogs to hunt fossils. They are bright. Pigs

are trained to hunt truffles.....

MB, you must have been stir crazy not being able to get outside all that time!

Roz, you dont need the GPS , ask your cat :P:D:P

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it would be really easy if fossils gave off a smell...

They do! Haven't you noticed? Megs smell like coriander with a hint of cinnamon; Hemis are like licorice pachouli. (Unless that's just my lip balm, in which case they all smell pretty much like dirt).

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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They do! Haven't you noticed? Megs smell like coriander with a hint of cinnamon; Hemis are like licorice pachouli. (Unless that's just my lip balm, in which case they all smell pretty much like dirt).

Guys, I took some photos for another post (lamna...) but after read this I'm trying to know how smells those teeth...

Them cames from the same place where I were with the doggie... but by the moment it not smells so much... :wacko:




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Oooh, pale pink! That is special.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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