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Peace River Trip- Questions For The Veterans


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Hey everyone,

So, my wife and I headed to the peace river this past weekend. We live in Cape Coral, FL so it was about an hour drive to where we put in. I have been to the river numerous times and we try to go to Venice every month or so for teeth. I see all these posts about finding megs in the peace river. So we decided to give it a shot. We put in at Brownville Park. The river was supposed to be clear and good for snorkeling, but it was very murky; even in 1 ft of water. It was 35" below te normal water level. Very dry. We couldn't snorkel for teeth at all. We started sifting near the bridge. Found some small teeth. We headed down river stopping every once in a while to try our luck sifting the gravel floor. I have always heard to dig in the banks for megs, but the banks were all sand and some places were all limestone. I tried finding the gravel layer with not much luck... So I continued to sift the grave bottom. A few hours later all we had were small sharks teeth and a couple gator teeth. I did find a corner peice of a Meg tooth before we left but it was small, and chipped. It was a hot muggy day at the peace. Where is a good spot to look? Is it better to dig at the edge of the water and bank, or in the river floor? How do you find the gravel layer? If anyone has some pointers it would be appreciated. I'm new to the Meg search, but love every second.

Thank you!

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You should have posted this message 1st.

I can only give you my technique -- I look for gravel away from the extensively fossil activity. -- 1) Move as far away from the access points as possible. 2) Cut off the head of a golf club -- use it to probe the depth of gravel. Everyone works the top layers of gravel, especially close to access points -- You be different -- dig deep -- deeper than all those other fossil seekers. Walk up to a mile from the access points either up or down stream.

Charter one of those fossil companies (search for Mark Renz on the Internet) -- expensive but you will find teeth..

Join the local fossil club, Naples , Fort Myers, Punta Gorda -- If you do not, you are not serious.. They will help you -- Lots more , but that is a good start,

I found these 50 feet from the Arcadia rt70 bridge -- persistence. All small , all beautiful. :)







The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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For my 2nd post, welcome to the forum. This is a good place to get tips. Megs are hard to find unless you are REALLY lucky.

I started going to the Peace twice a week in March , 2009 and shoveling gravel into a sieve 7-8 hours constantly every time. 6 months (approximately 400 hours of digging I found one 1.5 inch Meg in late August. I found one more in October 2009 about the same size. In December2009-January2010, the water temps were mid to high 50s, I bought a 3mm wetsuit and continued looking. On December 4th, I discovered a hole which was too deep to dig except in shallow water (dry season). In the next 8-9 weeks, I found about 20 Megs all in a 10 foot radius similar to my Avatar. In late January, I told a few friends, they told a few friends, and they told a few friends. The spot was cleaned out in the next 10 days. You can still find small non-Meg teeth there.

I have found scattered Megs, usually a surprise, sometime small posteriors, but then I am shoveling gravel 60 or 70 hours a month. Most trips I do not find Megs -- Right now I have found my 2nd "honey hole" in over 2 years, and I am finding Megs again.. Same story as before -- In the very shallow Peace River today, this stretch of the river is 4 feet deep, with 3 feet of gravel under the river bed -- No one can get to it except in shallow water dry seasons. We will get the rainy season in a week or so, the river will get murky and deep -- the place I am finding Megs will be 7-8 feet deep!!!! :)

The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Hey Shellseeker!

Wow. Thank you for the reply. Yes, being very lucky is a big part of it. I know what you mean about searching. I usually spend 6-7 hours on venice beach just sifting away. I heard Mark is good from reading many posts. Thanks for all the great pointers and tips. I think that should be a great start for me. It is so low now, I plan on going back this weekend or next. I cant get enough. Is there a more southern place to put in besides Brownsville? I will try to find a group near me. It sounds like you have had plenty of experience in the peace... That is a lot of hours. Is there a reason for the lack of clarity of the water?

Thanks again.

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FCOLC.com Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm, usually at the Calusa Nature Center. The Calusa Nature Center is located at: 3450 Ortiz Avenue Fort Myers, Florida 33905

You couldn't find a better way to spend $20, than signing up your family for the year with the Fossil Club of Lee County.

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Earth dog, Thanks for the info. I will look into this for sure.

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