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Another Hunt In The Big Country


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Went on a short hunt this past weekend in the "big country" as they call it in that part of Texas (near Abilene). I have included some in situ photos. Will post more as I sort out everything and photograph it.

1 through 4 are my at first stop, the rest are at my second (and more productive) stop further west at a larger road cut.

Haven't really ID'ed anything yet. Appear to have some type of ammonite related items. I think this area is Permian, but some Pennsylvanian may be exposed. 3 and 9 kind look like Straparollus that I have collect in the Penn.










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OK, I ran out of space for the rest. Here are a few more.

Not sure what number 1 is is this post and number 6 in he previous post. I found a few of them. I believe number 8 above is a cross section of the same. Some of them still have some of the shell material around them while others appear as casts.




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Not only are those sites quite fossiliferous, but there are quarters everywhere! :P

Seriously though, thanks for the site and in-situ shots.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Not only are those sites quite fossiliferous, but there are quarters everywhere! :P

Seriously though, thanks for the site and in-situ shots.

I know! I made about $15 while I was there! ;)

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