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Question On Fossil Extraction Of Placoderm Armor From Hard Limestone


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Hi: Does Anyone have suggestions on extracting placoderm armor that is deeply embedded in very hard limestone matrix?

I was just going to let it weather through the winter.....

The fossil was cut through with a saw.....


Edited by pleecan
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Will mild vinegar ( dilute acetic acid) dissolve fossilized bone ( assuming phosphatized bone) ? Has anyone tried dissolving limestone matrix from placoderm armor?

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Looks like you have a lot of limestone to remove. I doubt that vinegar is going to do much of anything other than fizz. I think you're going to need to do some mechanical (airscribe, hammer chisel, etc.) work to get that out. I look forward to seeing it!

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Looks like you have a lot of limestone to remove. I doubt that vinegar is going to do much of anything other than fizz. I think you're going to need to do some mechanical (airscribe, hammer chisel, etc.) work to get that out. I look forward to seeing it!

The remainder of the armor is sitting in this 50lb block of limestone... looks like a winter project ... : ) The limestone is super tough and hard....similar to water lime dolostone found at the Bertie formation... the hammer and chisels just bounces off....


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I think you're in rock saw and air-scribe country with that one.

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I think you're in rock saw and air-scribe country with that one.

Yes I think you are right Auspex..... hmmm looks like a lot of work...... I might just let it weather first over the winter and the natural freeze thaw cycles may release the fossil : )


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