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Qick Road Cut Collection


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Here are some photos from a Greenhorn Limestone formation roadcut I stopped at today.

(I had my camera, and love looking at insitu photos, so I thought I'd make some myself)

The last one is of my entire haul.





For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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Nice finds!!

Those teeth are good size too! I only of those that size. I have wanting to hunt Kansas for a while. Seeing the Oceans of Kansas page sealed it for me. Have you found any associated teeth before? I see the Ptychodus mouth plates and start drooling. Id like to add one to my collection.


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This is the biggest bunch of Ptychodus teeth I have. I have removed them from the matrix, and have them arranged in a GIANT tooth plate, about the size of a silver dollar!

I have found some large ones, but only singles.


For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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This is the biggest bunch of Ptychodus teeth I have. I have removed them from the matrix, and have them arranged in a GIANT tooth plate, about the size of a silver dollar!

I have found some large ones, but only singles.


The layer I find the Ptychodus in (Kamp Ranch, in the Eagle Ford Form) all the big ones I come across were broken many years ago. I have a piece of one that would have been bigger than a golf ball. Rumor has it that the location I was hunting, someone found one that big. I never got to see it. Its funny cause you really never see pictures of huge ones either.

This is what I want to find:: B)


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Guest bmorefossil

wow very cool, nice job man, its interesting how the teeth are just sitting there waiting to be picked up

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