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Yellow Bluff


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This last weekend we (Paleo Society of Austin) visited the Yellow Bluff site near Ada. While there we had a discussion regarding the age of the formations present. It appeared to contain Silurian trilobites in the creek and up the slope/exposure a distance and then obviously(?) Devonian fauna near the middle & top. We could not be sure where the Henryhouse, Haragan and Bois d'Arc each ended and began.

The collecting was great and a breeze kept things comfortable until the noon sun finally caught up with us. One of our advisors and members, Professor James Sprinkle, UT, was there and was excited to see a few undescribed echinoderms as well.

So any insights and other observations would be appreciated as I try to understand this site and fill my flesh out my field notes.

I'll get some photos up shortly as well.

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Nothing by me. Most of the sites were Devonian and older with slim chance of teeth. We did hit a Pennsylvanian location called Tucker's Hill which has produced teeth in the past.

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Founf this news about ADA fossils... not sure we are speaking about the same location



Thanks, That is the right area. Ada and the Arbuckle Mountains area include a wide variety of Paleozoic strata. The shrimp is from an old quarry not far from where we were collecting.

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that sounds really awesome. Since i am from oklahoma, would your club allow me to tag along next year if i catch it on your website.

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that sounds really awesome. Since i am from oklahoma, would your club allow me to tag along next year if i catch it on your website.

Probably. In some cases there is a question about membership versus the liability coverage we carry thru AFSM. But you could join us for $15 and that would be that. We make other trips up near Dallas/Ft Worth every year as well.

The OK trip is usually in May or June.

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