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Coming To Northern Ohio 7/7 Thru 7/10, 11

sue in ohio

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Hi, can anyone help me with possible fossil locations to check out in Northeastern-Northcentral part of the state? I'll be staying in or around Mansfield but I won't be able to break away to meet up with anyone this trip unfortunately. I was hoping I could find some spots to stop off at while I'm passing through going to and from Mansfield. Everything I have found doing web searches is all in the southwestern part of the state near Cincinnati and Sylvania will be too far to try and go to also with the limited free time I'll have to get out for some fun....Sue

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As you noticed the SW and the NW parts of Ohio are the better known collecting locals. The eastern half is mostly Carboniferous and not as well known by amateurs. I think it is also harder to get to collecting sites as well. But let me suggest that you do some research at the Ohio Geological Survey's web site and go prepared. many moons ago I went to a good friends wedding in Coshocton. Right behind the motel were exposures of dark mudstones and shales. In a few quick minutes I had some ferns, calamites and other odd bits. The geology of that coal country is all cycles of shale, mudstone, coal and eventually limestone (marine) strata. The limestones usually really stands out and can be very fossiliferous. So as you drive along looking at dark cuts covered in plants look for the odd light colored layers and pull over. And of course the dark stuff could easily have terrestrial plant material in it.

Good luck.

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back in the 90's, i was living with a nice young lady in Ashland oh. while there, i did as much fossil, and artifact hunting as i could. i never did too well on the fossils, but i did find some cool artifacts. you should check out alum creek state park. it's about an hour south of Mansfield, right off rt71. i remember finding pyrite suns, and a few enrolled trilo's.

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