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Age Of Miocene Marine Deposits In Peace River

Scott S.

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Hi everyone,

Can anyone pin down some rough dates for the Miocene marine deposition for the Peace river? Usually I only see Miocene in general and I know it wasn't submerged for the entire Miocene.



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I always was told that my Megs were between 2-23 myas or a minimum of 2 mya. So the Miocene starts 23.5 myas and Florida occasionally rises above the waves, up in Gainesville and the Panhandle, but it takes about 1/2 of that Miocene time before South American drift forces Florida high enough so that once in a while South Florida and the Peace River manage to see some dry land (11 myas).

The South American Fauna like Terror Birds, Glyptodont, Sloth, Jaguar, Llama, Armadillos, etc make their way up the land bridge over Panama to join the Rhinos, 3 toes horses and short faced bears.

So Miocene in SW Florida might be 5-11 myas ago, with Pliocene 2-5 myas ago. Intermittently shallow Seas alternating with dry land.

I would love to hear an expert's take on my guesses.

The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Read page 21 of Richard Hulbert's (Ed.) book, THE FOSSIL VERTEBRATES OF FLORIDA.

Most of the marine fossils you may find date to 4.5 to 2.5 Ma -- Pliocene, that is. It is possible to find some Miocene fossils, so I usually cover myself by using the label, "Mio-Pliocene" when dealing with marine fossils.



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Thanks for the clarification. Marine was a key word.

I have a number of fossil buddies who have found rhino teeth including a 6 inch lower left incisor that they believe was found near miocene level formations the Peace river runs through.

Should I adjust my thinking from middle to late miocene to miocene/pliocene for such a fossil?

The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Thanks for the clarification. Marine was a key word.

I have a number of fossil buddies who have found rhino teeth including a 6 inch lower left incisor that they believe was found near miocene level formations the Peace river runs through.

Should I adjust my thinking from middle to late miocene to miocene/pliocene for such a fossil?

Most of the (pre-Pleistocene) land vertebrate fossils to be found in the Peace River are from the Latest Hemphillian (Early Pliocene) Palmetto Fauna. The rhino, Teleoceras hicksi, is part of the Palmetto Fauna.

Edited by Harry Pristis



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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