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My Fake Trilo


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I made this trilo freehand on my lunch break at work (dental laboratory) I had some good pictures of Moroccan trilos to work from.I was thinking of painting them like Andy Warhol and putting them in my garden. Psychedelic fossil art anyone?









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That is way cool! Can you make one about 3 feet long?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

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Guest bmorefossil

that is very cool, i would also like to know if you could make bigger ones, it would be cool to use some as stepping stones (=

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I didn't think to make them bigger,but what an idea.I'll try and put legs on one too!



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Now that makes me laugh for some reason. I really like the idea of using them for stepping stones.

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I have to say that is purty cool. Bigger ones would be super cool, and not just for stepping stones, but maybe one crawling up a wall in your house somewhere!!! By the way, what did you make those out of?


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I started with plate wax and carved in the anatomy.Then took an alginate impression and poured a gypsum plaster mix into it.



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