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Dinosaur 2 Egg Clutch: To Clean Or Not To Clean?


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Hello. I am new to the Fossil Forum, so hello to each and all. I'm an avid, albeit neophyte, fossil enthusiast.

I'm about to purchase a really nice 2 egg clutch (ovaraptor; please see attached photo). My question: I have the option of having the white layer cleaned off in order to expose the black underneath, as is quite common (I would leave the red splotches of matrix in place because I think it looks nice that way). The person I'm buying it from, however, suggested that I consider NOT having him clean it because it takes away the more natural look {I trust the seller very much; he is not making this suggestion out of self-interest, and I would pay for the cleaning). Once the white layer is cleaned off it's gone forever.

In your experience, would you suggest keeping the white layer as is? I've always liked the black shell look, even though I generally prefer fossils to be in their 'natural' element.

Thank you very much for your time and assistance.

with best regards and gratitude,



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While I do not have much experience as to wether or not it is better to have the white layer on. I can tell you I think they look better with it on. This is just a personal preference but I do think as you said a more natural state would appeal to a larger crowd if you ever decided to sell.


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I think you need to go out, find some red clay. Put the clay, in a display, in the shape of a nest...and......well I can imagine it, looks great! :)

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Hey Ryan,

I had the exactly same problem. I purchased some eggs from the same seller but already with the intention to have them prepped. The seller also recommended me to not having cleanded them, but what I especially like about the oviraptoid eggs is the dark shell color as well as the very nice texture of the eggs. Both come out much nicer if you have them prepped. There is a preparator specialized in eggs. She has a very high reputation and is responsible for at least every second pepped ovirapotr egg you have seen. Her name is Christine Coyle. So if you decide to do an "egg job", I would contact her. :thumbsu:

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Which would result in greater "fossil verité"?

And, is it more important to you to show the eggs as they were, or as they are?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

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Which would result in greater "fossil verité"?

And, is it more important to you to show the eggs as they were, or as they are?

EXCELLENT food for thought

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder :wub:

"If I were you, I would....."

I avoid suggestions like that because I'm not you

and what appeals to me might not appeal to you B)

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that clutch is awesome, if you dont mind me asking, do you have a website, where you bought your eggs, i have always wanted even a single egg, but in good shape, and i am sure you already know that is a hard think to find.


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The white calcite is not part of the fossil, but is actually matrix. Would you keep an oreodon skull covered in matrix because it came out of the ground that way? You are not removing any part of the fossil by having these eggs prepped, just removing the last thin layer of matrix to expose the real surface of the egg. Of course, with chinese fossils you are always taking a chance that there really is nothing under the (fake) matrix, but these eggs look pretty good. Definitely have them prepped!

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Thank you all very, very much! Your input has been much appreciated. I am strongly leaning towards having the limestone layer cleaned off (big fan of the physical dimples that texture ovaraptor eggs). I will definitely post the photos once I receive the specimen.

With best regards and gratitude...

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that clutch is awesome, if you dont mind me asking, do you have a website, where you bought your eggs, i have always wanted even a single egg, but in good shape, and i am sure you already know that is a hard think to find.


I have only been collecting for a couple of years, but I am a huge fan of www.fossilshack.com, where I've been a repeat customer. Very professional and helpful. Also, they fairly often have major sales on their web site, which is when I generally 'clean up', as I can't usually afford regularly priced fossils (teacher's salary). Ask for Seth. The eggs in question aren't listed on the web site, but he (like so many dealers) has access to a wealth of great specimens if you get in touch with them. I hope this helps.

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...I am a huge fan of www.fossilshack.com...Ask for Seth...

Small world: Seth is a member here :)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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I have only been collecting for a couple of years, but I am a huge fan of www.fossilshack.com, where I've been a repeat customer. Very professional and helpful. Also, they fairly often have major sales on their web site, which is when I generally 'clean up', as I can't usually afford regularly priced fossils (teacher's salary). Ask for Seth. The eggs in question aren't listed on the web site, but he (like so many dealers) has access to a wealth of great specimens if you get in touch with them. I hope this helps.

Hey thanks very much

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