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Paleozoic Clam?


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I teach school in Perry county, Missouri, which is primarily composed of Paleozoic rock, mostly Ordovician, with a little Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian mixed in. There is also the odd Quarternary alluvial deposit.

A student brought me this massive shell in today. It is extremely heavy, and at least mineral encrusted. I have never seen anything like it out of a Paleozoic deposit.

Any opinions on what and when it is? Is it fresh or salt water?

Brent Ashcraft



Edited by ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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I've never seen one of these in Missouri, however, my

primary focus is the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian.

Ask your student to guide you to the collecting locality.

Who knows what other kinds of fossils can be found there ;)

PS: I'm sure Bruce or Russ could quickly ID your student's find

including the time period. If you talk to Bruce or Russ...

Please reply here with the ID and the geological information. B)

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I've never seen one of these in Missouri, however, my

primary focus is the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian.

Ask your student to guide you to the collecting locality.

Who knows what other kinds of fossils can be found there ;)

PS: I'm sure Bruce or Russ could quickly ID your student's find

including the time period. If you talk to Bruce or Russ...

Please reply here with the ID and the geological information. B)

Will do. The student said he found it when he was "young"-(he is 16). Doesn't remember where, but thinks it was in Perry county in one of the creeks. I agree the shell looks modern, which is near impossible from the location. As I understand it, this area uplifted in the Permian, and has been above water since. If it is a fresh water type, it could have been deposited by the ancient Mississippi, but I have never seen a fresh water clam that is so massive.

I don't think the shell is even fossilized, although it is encrusted with mineral (not just covering, but firmly attached). Very odd thing.

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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I wonder if it is a brachiopod(the seemingly unfossilized shell kind of throws a wrench in that, though). I've found them at least that large.


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I have never seen a brach tht large around here (or anywhere for that matter). However, it is not bilateraly symmetrical (I think is the term- across the shell), so I don't think it is a brach.

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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Looks like a mesozoic clam to me, there are some big ones. The thickness does not look like typical freshwater ones I have seen, but reminds me of big ones I have seen out west. But I am not really a clam expert so I cannot ID that easily.

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I didn't think the shell looked modern

to my eyes...Its obviously a fossil

Since the student's memory is vague...I'm

wondering if the student might be mistaken

and this fossil was collected somewhere outside

of Missouri.

I've never seen anything like this from Missouri

Maybe Bruce has?


Edited by Indy

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Since the student's memory is vague...I'm

wondering if the student might be mistaken

and this fossil was collected somewhere outside

of Missouri.

That is entirely possible, but he is "preety sure" it was found locally. I don't see how though. I need to talk with hime some more.


ashcraft, brent allen

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