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Need Input For Shark Painting


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This painting will be aimed toward all the shark lovers on here. I want to paint some sharks, the problem is that there are so many! So what do you guys think would be some good candidates? I was thinking of a scene with mutiple sharks with other marine life of the same period. You guys have been so helpful with my past paintings, so I thought I would ask again!


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perhaps something other than megalodon because lots of shark paintings are all megalodon! perhaps you can draw a lesser-known species.... like scapanorhyncus texanus? :o that would be interesting! ;)

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HAMMERHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo-Hoo and maybe an Eagle Ray or some kind of Ray as a secondary subject but I am sure what ever you choose to paint will be awesome. Can't wait to see it.


"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Confucius

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Thanks for the input guys! I just put that picture in because I thought it was funny. Hammerheads are cool. I will take all the input I can get. I might have to do a series of shark paintings because there are so many! :blink:


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I think the giant thresher shark would be an interesting subject

I can not find any photos other than teeth teeth.


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The thresher shark is very cool.http://www.flickr.com/photos/daviddrake/497591310/ I can not get over the tail! He will be one of the sharks painted. Now I just need to figure out what other sharks swam the same oceans as him.

i work on an island (Long Beach Island N.J.) so i spend alot of my spare time fishing. last spring, there was a 14 foot thresher less than 50 yards off the beach. he was smashing through the pods of baitfish, using his tail like a sword... whipping it back and forth through the baitfish, then eating whatever he stunned. it was amazing to watch.

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Might I suggest painting from the view point of ocean floor looking up at an angle, this way you can include part of a reef for extra subject matter. JMHO

Troy Nelson

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Those thresher photos were awesome. I never realized what a beautiful shark the thresher is. It makes me wonder how the extinct species may have looked. I think another interesting species to paint would be the angustidens from the Oligocene, but I don't know if much has been written on it other than teeth morphology. I guess it would have looke similar to megalodon, but with side cusped teeth. I have always wanted to see a mega shark mouth open with side cusped teeth!

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