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North Sulphur River Tx


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Hi, I hear alot about the Northern Sulpher, I llive in eastern Oklahoma and would like to take my grandson (who is 13 yo and really intersted in fossils) down to tHe Sulphur for a weekend to see what we might find. If any one can direct me to a place with fairly easy access and a good place to look, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Richard

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There is a parking lot with a sign (Pete Patterson fossil park) near Ladonia, Texas..

The location is near the bottom of the page under (description).. It's the same place..

Tons of good stuff has been found there.. Good luck! There are steps at this entrance too..


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It's always good to go after a good gulley washer, but the best way to find stuff (unless you have great eyes) seems to be to crawl through the gravel deposits. Happy hunting!

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