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Id Bone


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This is for bone lovers.I don`t know which bone is it (a rib,part of a vert...).I only know is that It comes from Morocco (Sahara Desert?),posibly comes from a reptile, and that it is heavely mineralized (aswell as broken; nevertheless, still cute!).



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I don`t think so.It comes from Sahara desert, it`s heavely mineralized, and is a strange bone, due to it`s filling (look the pictures). In north Africa there was no celts!

A Dino bone? :huh:

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looking at the shape and symmetry, i would say that it is a partial chevron from a dinosaur. i know that there is alot of dinosaur material that comes from the sahara. by the way, chevrons are the small bones that hang down from the bottom of each vertebra in the tail.

nice pictures


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i have got some bones from that area, and fossil daler told me that should be a Dino bone

but ID a single bone just like this is very hard for me.

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I don`t think so.It comes from Sahara desert, it`s heavely mineralized, and is a strange bone, due to it`s filling (look the pictures). In north Africa there was no celts!

A Dino bone? :huh:

Isolated fragments can be hard to identify as various families of dinos have different vertebrae AND within an individual dino the dozens of vertebrae vary from echother according to position.

this is a chevron as we sometimes find them here in alberta:


This is a vertebrae as found with 'wierd parts'.Usually they are found on the surfce but this one is partially buried.


and as cleaned up and brought home. Note 'the projections' on this vertebra (an upper caudal) has neural spines but lacks developed chevron.


However, usually we find dino vertebrae with no projections..chevrons, neural spines etc. ....and the reverse, usually we find the projections on vertebrae without the main vertebrae (called the centra).

A hadrosaur tail: vertebrae (centra only, no spines)


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