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Advice On Ammonite?


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I found this Ammonite on the dorset coast.

What should I do to this fossil, should I leave it coat with glue?

Here it is (new smaller images!) - If anyone knows what type of ammonite it is I would like to know. :D



Thank you for your help in advance.


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Best thing is left it alone! Warm water and old toothbush to clean it!

My guess is Metoicoceras or Goodhallites. Let's find out someone who can answer your question!

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Very nice fossil!

The shell looks like it might have stability issues; some kind of sealant may be in order. One of our members (N.AL. Hunter) uses diluted Future floor polish with great results. (Many successive, thinly diluted coats; brushed on and allowed to soak in).

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Very nice fossil!

The shell looks like it might have stability issues; some kind of sealant may be in order. One of our members (N.AL. Hunter) uses diluted Future floor polish with great results. (Many successive, thinly diluted coats; brushed on and allowed to soak in).

Good suggestion.

Another thing you might do is use a lacker that you can buy in a spray can. If you do want to do that you can mix elmers glue with water and coat it.

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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  • 3 months later...

The ammonite is an androgynoceras sp, maybe laetecosta and u need to coat it just as much as the matrix or it will crumble to bits. Normally the matrix is mostly clay, less sand so it will not absorb anything very well, still some vynilic glue, 10 % in water painted on with a brush 2/3 o times say 30 minutes after each painting should be enough, when dry u don't want it to be stuck on the newspaper so use a plastic surface to dry it , don't exegerate the glue or u'll get a horrible white coating on the piece. Good luck

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  • 1 year later...

Which is suggested age of your ammonite?

Dorset Coast is well-known by its Lower Jurassic outcrops, and this ammonite look like some Hettangian - Pliensbachian ammonites such as Arieticeras, Echioceras etc.

Edited by mhorn
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Good suggestion.

Another thing you might do is use a lacker that you can buy in a spray can. If you do want to do that you can mix elmers glue with water and coat it.

elmers gets yellow and nasty over time. do it once! do it the right way! theres several threads about the pros and cons of different types of protectants. just search!

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