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Echinoid From Spain

Harry Pristis

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This is an echinoid I got in trade for Florida echinoids some time ago. I didn't notice at the time of the trade, but the label info is sort of sketchy.

It's an impressive shape and size at 82mm (more than 3 inches) long.

Any collectors out there have a reference for this echinoid. Maybe MOROPUS has some info on this species that he can share.

------Harry Pristis


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What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Here I am! :shades: Who call me? Mmmmm; I seeeee! It looks more like Schizaster Eurynotus (due to J.A.S Gòmez Alba book, considered the best fossil guide of Spain-and the expensiest,allthough it worth it!).The Almeria Basin is compound of early marine Pliocene (Zaaclensen?) sea fine sandstone, with a particular yellow colour.Another particular thing, is that this sedimentary rocks, are cut by submarine fossil vulcanism of the same era.Nowadays, the fossil site is several kms. from the sea, and you can easely see the underwater distinctive lava fossilized.

Normally, fossils spots from Pliocene around Europe, appears like an amount of broken shells,mixture with pieces of sea-urchings, etc...Rare is the complete fossil.And rarest is the well preserved echinoids or crabbies; so, good catch!!!!! :Thumbs-up:

I`ve got some fossil from there, but as people has hunt a lot during the last 20 years o so, nowadays the site is protected by laws.So the only way to manage a fossil from Almeria site, it`s from old collections. *By the way,do you know that most of the 60's-70's western films made by Sergio Leone,and other Italian,and even Americans (they were called Spagghetti Western), with Clint Easwood,and other young actors,were made a few kilometres from the fossil site?Even the film "Patton",was filmed there...

*(In Spain, laws are much more restrintive with the fossils around,even when they are inverts! You can collect them from the surface(but not in national parks),but no excavation alloud anywhere!)

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There is a very good internet page of many european fossil sites, and appears the location from where this echinoid comes from. www.fossiel.net

Then look for Neogene places or by country (Spain),Cueva de Almanzora.You can see nice photos of the strata and place :D

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There is a very good internet page of many european fossil sites, and appears the location from where this echinoid comes from. www.fossiel.net

Then look for Neogene places or by country (Spain),Cueva de Almanzora.You can see nice photos of the strata and place :D

That's great! Thanks to all who responded, especially Moropus.

A fossil without collecting data is just a curio, admirable for its inherent beauty, but unconnected to the procession of life on the planet.

-------Harry Pristis



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Not at all!! As I say, "If there is something to ID from your country outside it, try to find as much as possible!" :D :Thumbs-up:

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