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U.s Customs Trouble!


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Astrinos, thanks for the tip :)

The parcel is sent as priority mail, and has a tracking number... That is all I know, but Malek should be able to answer your question to full extent.

Ok then. Since the ordinary mail don't have any tracking number, it means it was of a special handling of some sort (registered, parcel, Express Mail Service etc). For all tsese items a receipt is given to the sender, while the receiver has to sign for the delivery.

As I see, you are not given the receipt (it could be done through a TFF PM) for you to search it at your post office. Any way, I think it interests for the continuity of this thread what exact mail category of this item was and what were Malek's steps when the delay appeared.

Astrinos P. Damianakis

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shipped some collectibles priority mail to Brazil last year that ended up getting stuck in customs for 2 months, they did eventually get to the guy who bought them from me but it was a huge mess
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I had a nice group of Aturia get stuck in the postal system for 6 MONTHS! dont give up.

Thanks :) I'll keep that in mind.

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Hi Astron and All , and thanks for trying to help , as micropterus101 said , we should not give up , Henry s parcel was sent via a private shipping company called EMS , i was of course given a receipt with a tracking number , here it is EE008117265MA , when tracking it on USPS i get this message /Your item has been processed through our sort facility in ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) at 10:22 pm on December 10, 2011/

This shows that the parcel arrived to USA , and my guess is that it is just forgotten somewhere in their stores , there must be hundreds of thousands of parcels in a city like New York , i say that because i had a similar problem few years ago , and that parcel was also sent during Christmas time like Henry s , and i couldnt even find a record by tracking it ,this lasted over three months i gave up and considered it lost , made a refund claim , when suddenly the customer received it , and i was refunded for the delay , in Henry s case i did a refund claim to EMS here and i am waiting their answer , still i hope he will receive it soon , if Henry was in New York he could go there and inquire personally , unfortunately he isnt . in all cases we have to wait for a little while either he gets the package or i get refunded from EMS then refund Henry .



Ok then. Since the ordinary mail don't have any tracking number, it means it was of a special handling of some sort (registered, parcel, Express Mail Service etc). For all tsese items a receipt is given to the sender, while the receiver has to sign for the delivery.

As I see, you are not given the receipt (it could be done through a TFF PM) for you to search it at your post office. Any way, I think it interests for the continuity of this thread what exact mail category of this item was and what were Malek's steps when the delay appeared.

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Hi Astron and All , and thanks for trying to help , as micropterus101 said , we should not give up , Henry s parcel was sent via a private shipping company called EMS , i was of course given a receipt with a tracking number , here it is EE008117265MA , when tracking it on USPS i get this message /Your item has been processed through our sort facility in ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) at 10:22 pm on December 10, 2011/

This shows that the parcel arrived to USA , and my guess is that it is just forgotten somewhere in their stores , there must be hundreds of thousands of parcels in a city like New York , i say that because i had a similar problem few years ago , and that parcel was also sent during Christmas time like Henry s , and i couldnt even find a record by tracking it ,this lasted over three months i gave up and considered it lost , made a refund claim , when suddenly the customer received it , and i was refunded for the delay , in Henry s case i did a refund claim to EMS here and i am waiting their answer , still i hope he will receive it soon , if Henry was in New York he could go there and inquire personally , unfortunately he isnt . in all cases we have to wait for a little while either he gets the package or i get refunded from EMS then refund Henry .



Nice update, Malek.

EMS is the EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE I have refered to in my previous post. Your reclamation with the info that the item has arrived to the US Postal Service has yielded an in detail research in their stores for sure.

Now, the bad coincidence is that Henry isn't there, so neither he can look for it in person, nor there is any possibility any one else to receive it, in case the item is already found, becouse he has to sign for the delivery. If the last has happend, a notice must have been left at his home, and the item will stay at the local Post Office at the receivers availability for one month since the first notification, and if still not delivered it will be sent back to the sender. At least, this is valid for the EMS items here in Greece.

Any way, the continuation is interesting and I am looking forwad to it... :);)

Astrinos P. Damianakis

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