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Where Hanna goes people follow

Guest bmorefossil

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Guest bmorefossil

We started the day as we do all others but when we got to the beach today we found there were already 4 people on the beach!!!!!! Now we got there at 6am!!! So i figured they just got there and it would be ok. Well the first person i come up to is a familiar face, Tony, he tells me he has been here since 4am and the other 3 were there before him!!! He showed me his meg and told me he was leaving because there was nothing going on and that he would be back at 3pm. As soon as he leaves i find my biggest mako so far, just over 2 1/4inch not the biggest but its big for where i go. I start finding a bunch of verts and large bones but not many teeth. and then i saw something that made my jaw drop, a complete deer jaw but when i took another look i found that it was not a fossil )= but still cool. I get down to my dad and he shows me his almost 2.5" meg that he found just sitting up on the beach. We were way down from where anyone had been so thats why it was easy to find. We start finding the normal stuff but then i look down in some matrix and see a skull being killed by the water, it wasnt worth taking out. Right next to the skull i see a tooth that to me looks squalodon but ill let you guys determine that. A few blocks down i see something else cool, a whale ulna, i dig that out and look around again and wouldnt you know i see something else a bird bone sticking out of a block!!!! IT was only a 2 hour walk to the boat so i got on my way. When we got down to the boat the total number of people on the beach had already reached 11. My father and i both notice something out a little in the water, we thought it was just a random bone so i picked it up and wouldnt you know!!!! a beautiful squalodon!!!! As more people came the more we wanted to leave. We went to a beach a little further south to only find 15 or so people there. A ways down ther beach there was a section of beach with large rocks, the perfect spot to find nice teeth and the attraction of the 15 people. Right to the left of a footprint i see a root and attached to the root a perfect meg. not big but perfect!!! We found some other stuff but nothing else to great. we found a cow shark and some sort of artifact during the day. The best part of the trip was looking at the beach from out at sea and seeing 31 people fossiling............ thats just crazy











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Good stuff. Sounds like its hard to have any sort of secret spots where you collect. If I had to deal with crowds like that I'd probably only collect at night with a lantern.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Wow! looks like you had a good day =]

As my friend robby would say, very nice very nice. lol

<Just an average girl, trying to make it in this huge, unpredictable world>

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Guest bmorefossil
Good stuff. Sounds like its hard to have any sort of secret spots where you collect. If I had to deal with crowds like that I'd probably only collect at night with a lantern.

the only reason there was so many people there was because of hanna if it wasnt for that there would me maybe 2 other people there lol

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Guest bmorefossil

yea thats the side im working on the other side looks good, do you think its whale? there was some skull right by there do you think from the same animal?

hey it looks like the one little tooth next to the squalodon is a squalodon but you would know more than me, what do you think?

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Cool. I was just having trouble judging the size of it. I still haven't found the missing process to mine. :( On the distal end, is that part of the ulna or is it a seperate piece?

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Wow, bmore looks like you had another great trip and some super finds. I don't know whether to turn green or just drool.

My wife and I and the Melalodog, Alex got out to Brownie's Beach at 6:00AM. There were already 10 cars in the lot and more pulling up as the sun was rising. We did't see or find much this trip. Seems like Hanna pushed up a lot of sand. A couple of guys found Megs digging in the falls, but after 6+ inches of rain and some chunks of cliff ready to fall at any moment (and we did see a couple fall), that seemed a bit too risky for me. We ran into Obsessed1 and later Spooky1. Later we tried our luck at Flag Ponds, and again tons of people out hunting and I just didn't see much besides lots of sand. Some stretches of beach were two or three feet farther out into the bay than a week ago. It was family day at Flag Ponds and Obsessed1 was helping out with a display of shark teeth and other nice fossils from his collection.

Dan, there were people out in the dark with maglites hunting at Brownie's Beach.

Carpe Diem, Carpe Somnium

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Guest bmorefossil

yea i think all the sand got pushed to brownies, when i was a parkers creek there was no sand on a 40foot wide beach, well without the sand im not sure you can call it a beach anymore. This was the most people i have ever seen on the beach and the earliest i have ever seen someone at the beach, i expect there to be less people next weekend but im telling you, with all them people i dont see how there can be much fossils left. Im thinking about going to the river next week, i have a spot where i found a 3" my first trip there so i think it might be worth going, if anyone has been to the river lately i would like to know what its looking like. Mike did you ever see any of the megs found, any nice ones?

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One Meg from a fall was about 3-1/2 inches and just about perfect. The other from a fall was about 3" & pretty good with a little bit of the root broken off. The third was found in the surf and about 1/3 of a 4" Meg pretty cleanly broken. The last was found by a young woman who had never found one before and was clearly really excited about it. We left about 9:30AM so I don't know what the hordes found afterword.

I hope to be able to get back out this weekend, but I have to get some work done around here, so it will depend on this week's weather and how much I can get done.

Carpe Diem, Carpe Somnium

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

reading all these posts is depressing. one meg tooth! thats all i want! one! i think im going to move to florida when i get older..

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