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Charleston Fossil Collectors Meeting


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Hey guys,

I read a post on here where some folks in Singapore met up and shared finds and performed some trades. Seemed like a lot of fun. Does anyone know if this ever occurs in the Charelston area? I am not really talking about a fossil show, but rather more of a club type meeting (i.e. instead of hundreds, maybe 10-20 folks). If not, anyone interested in doing so? I would be in. PM me if you would be interested and I can start putting together a list of contacts. Even if I only get one response, I will set something up. But let me know if you are interested so I can contact you as well. You can bring stuff you just want to show (not trade/sell), or you can bring a bunch of trade material. I am not saying you can't bring stuff to sell, I would just rather the focus was on sharing and trading rather than selling. Let's see who is interested in doing what though. I have always want to trade more and now I have more stuff to trade than ever before but lack trading partners and frankly folks to share the hobby with. Surely there are at least a few folks on here that feel the same way. Anybody???


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  • 3 weeks later...

I know Summerville tried a fossil club that lasted a short time, Paul Bailey was the Pres. but I believe it disbanded due to lack of participation and places to hunt together. The Tampa Bay Club is a great group that have organized hunts at various locations that include all family members, guest speakers and a first class fossil show in March. I have never understood why a club wouldn't work in your area, it isn't for the lack of people that are interested in collecting. I wish you luck and hope people that are interested contact you---Tom

Grow Old Kicking And Screaming !!
"Don't Tread On Me"

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The Singapore Fossils Group started with two members, and we slowly expanded by finding new members through facebook, blogs and the newspaper.

We have a meetup once every three or four months, and what keeps us together is our friendship. We cultivate our mutual interest by going to a member's house each time to view and appreciate the fossils there. We also bring our own fossils for show-and-tell sessions, discuss about ongoings of the fossil world and best of all, we trade with one another. We even give or sell fossils at a very cheap price to newer members to help them start up their collection.

Why our group worked is also because fossil collectors are SO rare here, hence we are a close-knitted group.

All I can say is, it was worth it. I have confidence that this will work out for you as well, even though it may take some time. I look forward to u posting up pics of your meetups as well.

Looking forward to meeting my fellow Singaporean collectors! Do PM me if you are a Singaporean, or an overseas fossil-collector coming here for a holiday!

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Thanks for the great ideas and encouragment. It looks like this group will be small too given the limited responses so far. I like the idea of cultivating though!

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