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Minerals In Bentonite?


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Hey guys,

The last few days I have been focusing my studies around a distinct K bentonite layer in a local formation (Gull RIver, Mid-late Ordovician). Now, it seems there are crystals imbedded in the K bentonite(Almost like miniature dykes), does anyone have ideas as to what it could be?

I will have pictures up within the next few hours.

Thanks for the help!




The Ordovician enthusiast.

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I would really like to see bentonite insitu. We use it as GCL's ( Geosynthetic clay liners) and for plugging/sealing wells. Not to mention Kaopectate :P .

It is hard to imagine the mining process since bentonite is so reactive with water. Also, after 9/11, shipments were backed up at the Canadian border for days due to low level radiation emitting from the mineral.

It's hard to remember why you drained the swamp when your surrounded by alligators.

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Are you working the Millbrig K? Seems I read a paper a year, or so, ago questioning Laurentia and Baltica correlations??? I'll see if I can find it.

2012 NCAA Collegiate Round Ball Champs; and in '98, '96, '78, 58, '51, '49, and '48, too.

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I would really like to see bentonite insitu.

Stick "bentonite" into the forum's search engine. I found a few insitu examples.

Edited by thanatocoenosis

2012 NCAA Collegiate Round Ball Champs; and in '98, '96, '78, 58, '51, '49, and '48, too.

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I've found Pyrite crystals embedded within an Ordovician bentonite layer before. Don't know which though as I have not been able to find it on subsequent trips.



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