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I am looking to join another forum. But not fossils or geology. I have been given a 75 gallon aquarium and will be setting it up for tropical freshwater fish and live plants. I had aquariums 20 year ago but so much has changed. I see at least four forums on the internet but just like fossil forums I know they are not all equal.

I want to find the aquarium enthusiast equal to this great forum. I know some of you are into herps and other zoological hobbies so your advice is greatly valued.

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pm me and i'll get you in touch with my lil bro in cincy. he wins awards for breeding tropical fish and is respected in that niche pursuit. his entire basement is full of aquariums.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Before I moved into my new apartment, I kept about 25 aquariums full of tropical fish (I specialized in West African 'oddities') and was a moderator/contributor on a number of forums dedicated to that hobby. Some were fairly specialized (Aquatic Predators, etc.) but some were just good general forums. One of the best was Aquarium Advice which caters to all levels of expertise and interest and has some outstanding contributors. They are (or at least were) associated withTropical Fish Hobbyist magazine. You might check them out.


Illigitimati non carborundum

Fruitbat's PDF Library

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Thanks Fruitbat. I joined that forum. It was one of the few that looked good (similar to FF). Now I just have to make sure I don't get as caught up in fish as I am in fossils....although in this case my wife is very happy to have it on display in the dining room.

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Tropical fish are at LEAST as addictive as fossils! I got to the point with some of my West African oddities that I was willing to (and did)pay $700 to have a single specimen imported directly from the Cross River in Africa.


Illigitimati non carborundum

Fruitbat's PDF Library

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