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Enchodus Teeth Size


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So today I came across a rather LARGE enchodus tooth, which had me curious as to what size these can reach? How big is the biggest one you all have found?!

Up until now, my biggest was about 1.25" but today I found one at 2.25"! Which caught me way off guard!


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a beauty and a monster! very nice

---Wie Wasser schleift den Stein, wir steigen und fallen---

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From the hospital room, I must be getting better!!

I have a pair of associated fang roots with the broken off teeth being 20mm. In comparing roots with associated teeth, and would estimate it had a 4" tooth. What a monster!

The fangs are niobara formation, Gove county, Kansas

Note: years ago I bought a bunch of fossils from a worker in the PCS quarry, which included hundreds of en Horus teeth. There were maybe 5 teeth over 2 inches.

Your's is a monster! Congrats!

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Did yours come with the fangs too? I've always wished that mine did!

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Did yours come with the fangs too? I've always wished that mine did!

Yes. I found a very very broken up skull and lower jaws, but the big teeth were there for the most part.

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